Diabetes And Health

Diabetes is among the most common causes of death in the world. Diabetes is caused by less insulin being produced by the pancreas which shoots up the glucose level in our blood, and is of two types – Type 1 and Type 2. The former one is a childhood disease which can be in a person since birth. It necessitates regular therapy of insulin, whereas the latter one is caused during the adult stage of an individual, which can be controlled by a lot of treatments which are available. Both these types can cause serious life-long implications if they are not taken care of early on. And in certain cases, the disease can prove to be fatal. Let’s throw some light on what kind of serious problems diabetes can cause in human life.

Long Term Implications

There is a pretty long list of long term problems related to diabetes, which are related mainly with the heart, nerves, kidneys, eyes and the blood vessels. The problems may start off pretty slowly, but if they are not addressed and treated, can be very problematic. The only way to control the disease is to regularly keep a check of the level of your blood sugar. If left untreated, the following problems below can arise.

Cardiovascular Problems: These problems may arise due to atherosclerosis, which is basically caused when the arteries narrow due to plaque build-up. Plaque is made up of fat, calcium and cholesterol. It can cause blockages in the arteries, which can lead to strokes and heart attacks. In addition, it can also restrict the circulation of blood in the body’s lower parts.

Nerve Damage (Neuropathy): A huge quantity of sugar can damage the small capillaries’ walls. Such an occurrence can cause a tingling sensation mainly on the tip of the toes and in the legs as well. Not treating this issue well in time can be fatal as it may lead to body parts getting permanently damaged. Plus improper blood supply and its nourishment can also be a cause of erectile dysfunction in men.

Kidney Damage (Nephropathy): The kidney functions as a blood purifier by removing waste from the body. This is performed by glomeruli, which are small blood vessels. Huge quantities of glucose in the body damages these vessels, thereby increasing the toxin levels which can lead to fatigue, loss of appetite, headache, leg swelling, nausea and even failure of the kidney.

Eye Damage: Excessive sugar in the blood can cause damage to the small blood vessels of the eyes, creating problems relating to vision, like inflammation of the optic blood vessels. This can lead to diabetic retinopathy which can lead to blindness, or other major issues like glaucoma and cataracts.

Other Issues: Damage to the nerves may cause damage to the feet. Excessive sugar can cause treatment of blisters, cuts and infections difficult. Some other long term issues of diabetes include speech impairment, weakness, diarrhea, reduction in bone density, constipation, infection of the gum, etc.

These issues, if not taken care of in time, can lead to death. Keeping the blood sugar under check is the best way to prevent such major complications, and a healthy and a sugar-free diet would help in this regard.

Author Bio: For more information please visit our CPR & First Aid Training website.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Nephropathy,Kidney Damage ,Neuropathy,Cardiovascular Problems,Diabetes,heart,insulin,kidneys

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