Can You Still Be Friends With an Ex Boyfriend?

One of the hardest things to do after breaking up is to say goodbye. If you still want your boyfriend and are looking to win him back, becoming friends with him might seem pretty appealing. It keeps you from having to let go, and allows you to still stay in touch with your ex through email, phone calls, or even just plain seeing each other.

But there\’s also a lot of bad news when it comes to being friends with an ex, especially if you still love him. There\’s a whole laundry list of reasons why you really can\’t establish a friendship with your exboyfriend, and these may be hard for you to see immediately after the breakup.

For one, your ex won\’t be spending anywhere near as much time with you as he used to. No matter what you keep telling yourself, this will make you feel abandoned and unwanted. He\’ll be out with friends doing his own thing, and you won\’t have anywhere near the power and control over his daily life as you may have had while being his girlfriend.

Another big thing: your ex boyfriend will eventually date someone else. While being his friend, you\’ll have to sit back and swallow the fact that some other girl is now the object of his affections. Not only will he start spending more time with her (and less time with you), but she\’s going to hate the fact that you once dated her new boyfriend and not want you around him at all.

If you truly have no more romantic feelings for your ex, friendship may be an option. But even then, there will be issues that arise when one or both of you begin dating again. Jealousy will always play a factor, regardless of how much you may think you\’re over each other. And even if you start dating another guy? He might not think too highly of you hanging out with your ex, even if you do try to play the \”we\’re just friends\” card.

Staying Friends With Your Ex Boyfriend To Get Him Back

But now let\’s say you still love your boyfriend and want him. How do you get your ex back? What can you do, from a friendship standpoint, in order to win back your exboyfriend?

There are some really great methods you can use to get back your ex boyfriend, even when he just wants to be friends with you. Learn what these techniques are, because the sooner you get started on them, the faster you can head down the road to reconciliation!

No one waits around forever. If you want a future with your ex boyfriend, you need to seize it; you simply can\’t sit back passively in the role of platonic friend. And the longer you stay friends with him? The further and further removed you become from being his girlfriend. He\’ll see you more and more as a casual acquaintance, and not as a romantic interest.

Don\’t fall into the post-breakup friendship trap. It\’s almost impossible to go from friends back to lovers again, with the exception of the occasional one night stand. If what you really want is an actual relationship with your ex, you need to be proactive about getting back together. This can\’t happen when you\’re already trapped in the sticky pretend web of half-hearted friendship.

Want your boyfriend back? Work on getting him! He won\’t come to you, and you won\’t be able to stop and reverse your breakup without a step by step plan.

Author Bio: There are 6 Individual Steps necessary to get Back With an Ex, so find out exactly what they are! And for more information on being friends with your ex boyfriend, check out How to Get Boyfriend Back.

Category: Break-up
Keywords: back with ex, friends with ex, ex boyfriend get boyfriend back, get ex back, ex boyfriend friends

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