Professional Life Coach – What Do They Do?

Ever wonder what life coaches are for? Well, they basically help individuals with their lives, business, career, health, and a few other areas. These may also be related to counselors and they have similar functions. However, to specify their responsibilities, here is a list:

Assessment. A life coach does not directly tell you to do this and do that. The first thing that they help you with is in understanding yourself, your business, or other aspects in your life. You will be the one who will identify your strengths and weaknesses. What they do is they guide you and tell you how you can try to understand yourself.

Furthermore, you can be able to understand your problems and take the first step in accepting and facing them. Your coach will see to it that you stay objective in doing self assessment.

Identify client\’s problem. Life coaches are trained in how to read the situation and identify the problem of the person. This is done with the client who is open to assessment of his condition. Coaches for business or finance work in the same way but focus with regards to the person\’s problems with a business venture or with handling of his or her finances.

A life coach needs to be able to see what the problem is so that the client will be guided in the right direction towards the resolution of such problem.

Set objectives. Usually, the coach does this with the help of the client. This task is done with agreement of both sides. He will make sure that the objectives are attainable. The client also needs to agree as he or she will be the one who will work on tasks to achieve the set objectives. The client still has the last say on whether he/she is willing to take on the tasks.

Planning of activities. Depending on the specific problem of the client, the coach outlines things that the client needs to perform. This stage also needs to be completed by both the life coach and the client. The client will feel more invested in the plans and might work harder to achieve it if he was part of those who made them.

Guide in achievement of goals. After the plans have been identified, the life coach will be there to steer his client in the right path and towards the achievement of enumerated goals. He also sees to it that the client is doing what he or she needs to do. He may intervene when he notices that the client is not performing the things that he should be doing.

Aid in evaluation of task results. Once the client has done the things that were listed in his plans, the life coach evaluates whether the goals were reached or not. If goals were not reached, he may advice on revising the plans. There might even be some who were evaluated to have succeeded in doing the preliminary plans and so, the life coach can continue with the next possible stages.

Author Bio: Christina Cordle enjoys writing for Coachestrainingblog which is an online resource on salary of a life coach and life coaching training as well as other related subjects.

Category: Career
Keywords: life coach,professional life coach,life coaches,life coach needs

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