Goal Setting Tips For Weight Loss

Just like everything else in life, to achieve weight loss you have to set a goal within a time frame. A clearly defined plan with realistic expectations is very important if you are serious about your weight. Taking your weight problem lightly and working at reducing it half heartedly will not give you the results that you hope to have. Therefore you must set achievable goals with the following guidelines to get rid of the flab and excess weight.

Define your goals

The more clear and specific you are about your weight loss goals the better. Before you start out on the path to losing weight, you might consider discussing with your personal trainer to help you define it better. On the other hand, you may just go ahead and set the goals all by yourself. Once you have set the goal, never lose sight of it, because out of sight is out of mind.

Write down your plan and goals on a piece of paper to get better perspective. Often we clear our doubts and haziness when we set something down on paper. To remind you of your weight loss goal, stick pieces of paper with your goals on it on your bathroom mirror, fridge door, and bedroom door, on computer monitor and also on your car dashboard. This will help you focus and get centered on what you need to do to get there. Just wishing to heavens up there for a shapely figure is not goal setting. If you set yourself to lose twenty pounds in three months, that is the goal to follow, and you can begin your journey earnestly when you see the destination ahead.

The goal should be measurable

No point in setting a weight loss goal, when you are unable to measure it to discover where you stand in relation to the goal. The mirror can’t tell you much, unless you have dramatically altered your shape. So reach for the measuring tape and bathroom scale to measure your progress. Quarter way down or half way down your goal time frame, you can find out how much you are losing on your waistline and on the scale. A measurable progress will goad you to stick with whatever training, diet plan you are following, because it has shown results.

The short and long goals

This is very important because short term goals once achieved are like milestones, which encourage you to reach for the long term goal. You can divide your goals into fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, six months and a year goal, something akin to your career or business goals. Smaller gains build up into larger gains and lo and behold you finally have the six packs you have always dreamed of.

Aim for the best

Stop listening to those who are always whining and pessimistic about weight loss goals or any goals for that matter. Surround yourself with shapely bodies, health conscious people and workout enthusiast if you want to hit your big goal of having a chiseled body. Set yourself a very big goal, which may seem far fetched in the beginning, but will be very inspiring when your progress starts to show.

Author Bio: Dan Clay is a Sydney weight loss expert and owner of Dangerously Fit personal training. If you would like to attend a session with a Personal Trainer Bondi or join a Bootcamp, visit Boot Camps Sydney.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Personal Trainer Bondi

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