Charm Jewelry: The Secret to Good Fortune

Do you believe in luck and fate? Do you bring good luck amulets along with you always? Do you believe of their power to bring good fortune and good luck? If yes, you are one of the numerous individuals who believe the power of these good luck objects.

For years, individuals have mixed thoughts and emotions on how they can benefit from these objects. Some people carry them with the belief that it brings prosperity, wards off evil spirits and attracts fortune.

According to history, these are widely sought by individuals of different cultures, nationalities and religions with the hope of bringing good fortune to their lives.

These objects, which are also known as talismans or amulets, has been used by millions of individuals for several centuries. They believed of its powers to bring prosperity, good fortune, ward off evil, cure illnesses and bring love and affection.

Regardless of what country, culture or religion we belong, some of us believed of their powers to change our lives for the better. Aside from talismans, some of us follow certain superstitions and traditions which we inherited from our great grandparents, such as the turning of the plate whenever someone leaves the house during eating time, the giving of gift or payment to an elder sibling whenever the younger sibling marries ahead and many more.

At present, these are not only used to bring good fortune or to ward of bad luck, but they are also used as body and home ornaments. Apart from bringing the much sought after good fortune, jewelers innovated means of bringing good luck within the reach of everyone and making them trendy and fashionable. They make charm jewelries out of precious metals, such as gold, silver, copper and many more.

Charms commonly attached to jewelries include:
1. Swastik locket – It is used to bring success, good fortune and to overcome obstacles.
2. Vashikaran – It is believed to attract romance and love. It is also thought to solve problems related to relationships.
3. Voodoo Love amulet – It is used to attract a special person in the bearer’s life.
4. Lucky number 7 – Some people believed that this mystical number could bring fortune, luck and happiness to the bearer.
5. Keys – It symbolized wealth, health and love.
6. Acorn – It is said to give the gift of youth to those who wears it.
7. Om – It is believed to bring luck, spiritual powers and material comforts.
8. Dragon – It is considered to bring luck in your career.
9. Turtle – It is believed to bring everlasting abundance and powerful energy and protect your home.
10. Jade goldfish or carp – It is said to bring prosperity and abundance.
11. Eros’ Love knot – It is claimed to bring tranquility, romance and beauty to your life.
12. Dreamweaver – It is believed to bring clarity, opportunity and hope to the bearer.
13. Four leaf clover – Some believed of its magical power to bring harmonious and happy families together. It is believed to bring financial wealth to the bearer.

All the ornaments mentioned above are just part of the myriad charms found worldwide.

Author Bio: Jason Littleton enjoys writing for Charms to Treasure which sells silver charms and promise rings as well as a host of related products.

Category: Arts and Crafts
Keywords: good fortune,good luck,good luck objects,good luck amulets,charm jewelry

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