Techniques For Writing Effective Conclusions

Just like any other parts of writing a content, the conclusion also plays an important role which a writer needs to focus their attention to when they are about to complete their work. It doesn’t mean you don’t have to devote your ideas and check your grammar composition just because you are about to finish your designated writing assignment.

The importance of writing a conclusion is the same as writing the first paragraph or the introduction in any art of writing. It is best to leave your readers an impression about the topic whether they had fully understood and agree with your ideas or they react about it in a positive way. In this way, it only means to say you have successfully influenced their minds and you caught their attention in the first place.

Getting them hooked about the topic means to write interesting and attention-grabbing piece of writing from the very beginning down to the very end of your document. If you already give your all in writing the first part of your text and you manage to keep the ideas flowing within the body of your article and end up not knowing how to write down the conclusion, there’s no need to worry as I will tell you how to do it effectively.

Your conclusion offers your paper the last chance to talk about your views on a subject. It gives you an opportunity to have your final say in the issues you raised and tie any loose ends together. Done well, they will help complete your paper into a cohesive piece (with the help of a quality writing software), leaving a positive impression on the reader.

Here are some of our favorite strategies for writing effective conclusions:

Bringing the reader full circle. In this strategy, you return to the main themes you used in the introduction, employing similar key words, parallel concepts and imagery you began the piece with. The main difference is, this time, you bring the new understanding that your work provided into light.

Active summary. Instead of merely throwing a summary of your previous discussion, show the reader how all of your points fit together, especially in the context of your main thesis and your evidence.

The “so what” approach. A good strategy when you are stuck, this helps you mine your own ideas for thoughts that could make a good conclusion. To do it, simply come up with the most pertinent item you’ve discussed and ask yourself, “So what?” Then, answer it, detailing the relevance of the information. Most of the time, that answer could prove a good conclusion.

Make a proposition. Here, you either propose a solution, suggest a course of action or point to issues for further study. It is designed to help direct your readers’ thought processes into applying your paper into either their lives or their work.

Now, you can start thinking how your conclusions will look like and make sure to write it with style and quality.

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Category: Writing
Keywords: quality writing software, conclusions, writing effective conclusions

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