Five Breakfast Food Alternatives

We are often told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it provides us with the energy to get going in the morning and sustains us until at least lunch time, if not beyond, yet there are a lot of people who skip this important meal. This can be due to time constraints, other priorities or just plain laziness! Everyone should eat a good breakfast before they start the day – but what constitutes a GOOD breakfast? And how can busy people get one in a relatively short space of time?

Breakfast can be both quick to make, good for you and, above all else, taste fantastic. Here are five classic breakfasts that fulfill all three requirements.


Cereals are a common breakfast for many, quick to put together and just as fast to eat. Just add milk. On the taste front the choice is phenomenal. The healthy types will opt for whole grain cereals, fruit based cereals or bran-packed cereals. Those looking for a bit of a sweeter taste have sugar coated options. The Americans in particular have this covered with a wide range of American cereals that are sweet to the taste. The most famous is probably Lucky Charms, but there are also Froot Loops and Cap\’n Crunch to consider.

These American breakfast cereals are now available outside of the US too, particularly in the UK and Europe. Why not give them a try if you\’re getting alittle bored of corn flakes!

Toast and Coffee or Tea

This is the classic breakfast for those living a fast-paced, non-stop life. Seconds to put together, just a few seconds more to get down! Of course, it doesn\’t just have to be toast – the addition of butter, jam, marmalade, chocolate spread, lemon curd…the list is endless, but as a breakfast staple it is just fine for that much-needed kick in the morning. The caffeine from the tea or coffee wakes you up while the carbs from the bread gives you energy. The toast topping will provide something different depending on what you choose.

Get yourself a napkin and a travel mug and you\’ve also got yourself a portable breakfast – eat it while you\’re on the way to work or school, brilliant!

Bacon Sandwich

Takes a little bit longer to make than toast – but not that much! A bacon sandwich is a warming, waking breakfast that WILL keep you going until lunch time. Add brown or red sauce to increase the enjoyment or go one step further and turn it into a BLT with the addition of lettuce, tomato and a spot or splash of mayonnaise. Absolutely delicious.

Those with a bit more time on their hand sin the morning can swap out the bacon for a couple of sausages. Oh, and chuck a fried egg on too!

Fruit and Yoghurt

The health conscious breakfast eater may well opt for a bowl of fruit topped with a bit of natural yoghurt. As a start to the day this is absolutely ideal. Any kind of fruit will do, from apples and grapes through strawberries and blueberries to kiwi and banana, the combinations and selection fo fruit is up to the individual. The end result is always a nutritious meal that will provide not only fuel for the morning but vitamins and other health benefits.

Another advantage of the fruit and yoghurt breakfast is that it can be prepared the night before and stored in the fridge, saving you valuable time in the morning. Bonus!

The Fry Up

If your morning is a more leisurely one and you\’re not in a mad rush to get into the office or off to school then the Great British Fry Up is a fantastic start to the day. It can\’t be called healthy, but their are healthier ways of doing on. The traditional way to do this is to fry some sausages, bacon, eggs and mushrooms, add some beans and a fried tomato on the side and tuck in. Save on the fat consumption by grilling the bacon, sausage and tomato if you like. Make a pot of tea or coffee, butter some bread to soak up the egg yolk and tomato juice and you have yourself a sumptuous breakfast feast that cannot be bettered!

Make it portable by sticking it on a large muffin or bap, though watch for egg yolk running onto your tie or blouse as you eat it!

Author Bio: Ben Greenwood is writing on behalf of American Soda, suppliers of American cereals to the UK, including Lucky Charms and Froot Loops.

Category: Food and Drinks
Keywords: breakfast, cereals, toast, coffee

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