Do You Know When Weight Loss Sends Negative Signals?

Everyone wants to have those highly revered and perfectly adored body statistics and acceptable weighing scale figures. This is one reason why staying fit, exercising, applying strict diets, and taking proper medication has become popular among individuals in all walks of life. Those who have succeeded, of course, reaped the fruits of their labour contentedly. But what about those who seem to shed pounds without even trying? When the rate of weight loss becomes too rapid and unexplained, you have to be wary of the possible causes. This is because sudden and irrational losing of weight can be one sign of disease and health problems.

Are you losing weight in a most curious and dangerous way? Do you find yourself slimming down too quickly and without explanation? Check if you have any health problems you might need to address. Here is a list of possible causes of weight loss you might be diagnosed with:

Malabsorption – This is a digestive disease caused by faulty absorption process of fats, proteins, and vitamins within the intestines. This may be caused by parasites such as the hookworm and the threadworm infestation, lactose intolerance, lack of digestive enzyme production in the pancreas, pernicious anemia, and many more.

Intestinal obstruction – This pertains to the blocking of the intestines that may be caused by tumors, inflammation, infolding, or other foreign bodies and malformation. Signs of this complication include abdominal cramps, abnormal elimination of feces, and a physical mass that can be felt in the abdominal area. This can also be seen through abdominal x-rays.

Anorexia – Your sudden shedding of pounds may indicate more than just a physical problem. This may also be caused by psychological disorders such as anorexia, an eating disorder characterized by an overly restrictive diet, overuse of diet pills, laxatives, and other weight reduction techniques or products. Double check your eating behaviour to find out if you may be suffering from this illness.

Cancer – The overgrowth of cells within the human bodily organs and systems can change your weight. In stomach cancer for example, cancer cells grow within the stomach walls and eventually spread to other nearby organs such as the pancreas, intestines, esophagus, or the liver. This then affects the normal processes of digestion and nutrient absorption and circulation within the body.

Alcoholism – This is also termed as alcohol dependence characterized by overindulgence in alcoholic beverages. This causes nausea, sweating, shakiness, and anxiety. This is actually considered a disease and it is influenced by both genetic inheritance and personal lifestyle adaptations.

Dehydration – This disorder is caused by the lack of water intake in comparison to how much water the body expels and uses up for system processes. Since 75% of the body\’s weight is water, a significant loss may pertain to dehydration.

Other possible causes of weight loss include depression, diabetes, stroke, tuberculosis, dementia, connective tissue disease, hyperthyroidism, bulimia, Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection, Hodgkin\’s disease, and many more. If you are suffering from any symptoms that may suggest these disorders, consult your physician immediately.

Author Bio: The blog for everything related to Weight Loss. Learn how to lose weight easily and get the body of your dreams. Rediscover your inner strength to change your life. Learn about the Weight Loss Negative Signals and how you can protect yourself and your health.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Weight Loss, Negative, Signals, Depression, Anorexia

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