Three Amazing Secret Foods That Lower Blood Pressure

There is a new trend on the horizon. More people are discovering the secrets of naturally lowering their blood pressure. This news cone right on time because one out of every three people in the U.S. have high blood pressure. This is a scary thought as it also means that one out of every three have a potential heart problem looming on the horizon. Thankfully, these new \”secrets\” are no longer secret. These amazing foods can actually reduce your risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure. Here they are. Tell everyone:

– Garlic
– The ultimate brain food Omega 3 fatty acids
– Cayenne pepper.

No Bloodsuckers Allowed

If you are a vampire, you may want to avoid this one. Garlic has been shown to decrease blood pressure on both sides of the scale. Recent studies have shown garlic to reduce both systolic and diastolic pressure. This is great news for those of us who are Italian at heart because we love to load our spaghetti sauce up with garlic. In fact, I have recently discovered the flavorful benefits of adding garlic to my home made barbeque sauce. Oh, my-that is good.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids Lower Blood Pressure

Oily fish are the ultimate brain food because it contains omega 3 fatty acids, which have been shown to increase brain-power and memory. What we did not know is that it also helps to regulate blood pressure as well. How is that for a double dose of goodness? The good news is that once you have eaten three servings per week of oily fish, like salmon, for a few months, you become smart enough to eat healthy and exercise, which is also known to regulate high blood pressure.

Some Like It Hot

Cayenne pepper comes as a surprise to many people. While it is great on pizza, we just do not get the opportunity to eat very much of this blood pressure lowering super spice. That is why I am grateful to have found this secret on the internet. Mix a single teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a cup of tepid water with a couple of tablespoons of honey. Bring to a boiling on the stove, adding four ounces of water when hot. Sip this mixture down once or twice a week and prepare to be amazed because this stuff works fast.

No Contest

Of course, these three foods are no comparison to what a change in eating habits and some good, old-fashioned exercise can do for high blood pressure. Once we begin to eat a regular, healthy diet and maintain exercises like walking for cardio along with strength fitness, our blood pressure should come down and stay down. Eat plenty of delicious, nutrient loaded vegetables and lean meat like fish, we will look better, feel better, and make our doctors proud of us.

Lower Your BP And Earn

Do not forget to cross off your shopping list those foods that are very bad for you. Fatty meats and junk food is not something with which you want to be clogging your arteries. Another wonderful and healthy way to get that blood pressure under control is one that you may or may not need to know. Suppose I told you that you could lower your blood pressure and earn a couple of thousand dollars a year while doing it. You would probably say yes to that, right? All you have to do is quit smoking. You will lower your blood pressure, reduce your heart disease risk, and save enough money to buy a new 3D TV all at the same time.

Author Bio: For more information please visit our Online HIPAA Training website.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: BP,Omega 3 Fatty Acids ,fatty acids,heart problem ,Blood Pressure

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