Should an Enterprise Resource Planning System Be Used in Your Company?

Many companies are changing their computer systems from a stand-alone system into an enterprise wide ERP software system for the entire company. If your company has not researched the potential benefits of ERP systems, it should. There are many different reasons that this type of system will help your company, and several of them are listed below.

The benefits of these types of systems usually depend upon the level of the person who is considering the system. Senior leaders find that it can be very difficult to get an overall picture of how the company it doing financially. Without a comprehensive system, they are likely to get separate reports from each business unit. In many instances, these reports are all in different formats as well which increases the frustration of the senior management team. A standard, enterprise wide software system will allow the company leaders to receive a single version of their financial status. This is because each department will be using the same system.

Software systems of this nature are most famous for the ways that it helps companies who have a manufacturing focus. It allows customer order information to all be held within a single system. This means that everyone from the sales people to customer service reps to the shipping all have access to the same information. It does not have to be added to multiple systems, one for each department. It just has to be done once. Clearly, that will make your company much more efficient. It will also provide greater service and value to your customers. Another problem with having separate systems for each department is that when there are changes that must be implemented, each system must be updated. If you choose to use an ERP solution, the vendor is responsible for overall changes due to regulatory changes, etc that must be made.

Growth is another area that your company will benefit from using an enterprise wide system. Most systems that are used by smaller companies are built just to get the company started. However, as the company grows, you will quickly discover that your system has limitations. The purpose of ERP solutions is to allow flexibility. They are designed to be used by both smaller companies as well as larger ones. The Human Resource department will also benefit substantially when this type of a software system is implemented. Some companies have HR reps for each smaller business unit, but others have one HR department that manages all employees, regardless of their department. Without a company wide system, the HR will may have to use several different systems to complete the same function, depending upon where that particular employee works.

Although, these systems are based on the most common business practices, there is still the option for flexibility. Most ERP vendors have specific modules available that might fit your companies needs better than others. They should also be able to offer custom solutions if you have a need that is not currently handled within their system.

Author Bio: Penny Lane recently purchased ERP software from an online store. She uses ERP systemsin her business.

Category: Internet
Keywords: ERP software,ERP systems

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