Effects of the Moon on the Earth – Tides, Psychology and More

The moon affects many processes taking place on the Earth. The calendar month of 30 to 31 days corresponds only partially to some of the periodical phenomena in nature.

On the other hand, the cycle of the moon continues 29.5 days. This is the natural period to which cyclical Earth processes are connected. The tides take place during this lunar month, the atmosphere’s behavior changes, as well. This change affects weather and meteorological occurrences. The manner in which sunlight gets reflected from the surface of the moon is also experiencing periodical change.

All these changes in nature have the power to affect organisms – plants, animals and human beings alike. Few people know it but the moon cycle affects the intensity of wine fermentation, the reproductive periods of animals and even the ovulation in the case of humans.

Contemporary science has established a connection between earthly processes, biological phenomena and the lunar cycle.

The moon has strong gravitational influence over the Earth. In the case of a new moon, a number of physical earthly parameters change. These parameters include humidity, atmospheric pressure, magnetic and electric fields. Even the tiniest changes in these parameters can affect human beings and other living organisms.

Such changes become very sudden when the moon’s phases change. If a person is having a medical condition or experiencing immunity problems, the changes can influence health and wellbeing. For example, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure can lead to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems.

To understand these changes, you will need to grasp the moon’s cycle in its entirety.

In its motion around the sun, the moon either gets closer to it or becomes more distant. It returns to the same position in space while circling the sun every 29.5 days. This is the moon’s cycle. Keep in mind that the period in which the moon circles the Earth and the one that it needs to turn around its own axis coincide.

The same side of the moon is always turned towards Earth. Depending on the moon’s position concerning the sun, this side is lit in a different way. In the beginning, the right half starts increasing until the moon becomes full. Once the full moon period is over, the lit surface of the moon starts decreasing from the right side.

This change in the manner that the moon’s surface is lit concerns the lunar phases. The phases are four, each one consisting of 7.4 days. Each phase of the moon affects the Earth and the human body.

During new moon, the sun and the moon are positioned on one side of Earth. Their gravitational forces are combined and act against the Earth gravity. During this phase, the human body becomes 20 percent ‘lighter.’

The next phase leads to a decrease in the combined gravitational forces of the sun and the moon. The change leads to nearly entire neutralization. This happens 7.4 days after new moon. Humans become more active and energetic.

In the coming phase, the moon is positioned at a 180 degree angle in comparison to the sun. What follows is the full moon. This point marks maximal division and expansion of the water’s surface.

During the fourth phase, the moon is positioned at 90 degrees in relations to the sun. This phase continues from the 22.1 to 29.5 days of the moon cycle. The gravitation of Earth does not affect people so much, since the moon’s gravitation acts in the opposite way. The most significant tides are observed during this period.

People are most influenced by the moon during the new moon period. To counter its influences, susceptible individuals are advised to eat healthy food, to take good rest and to have long walks. Aromatherapy is another suitable option.

Author Bio: Jamie Highland writes about various family and baby topics. For more info or to check out the moon and stars baby shower theme or some baby shower gifts, visit My Baby Shower Favors. If you want more articles, visit our site and click on the Contact Us link. Note: You can reprint this article as long as credits remain intact and hyperlinks are active and dofollow.

Category: Education
Keywords: moon gravity, moon and tides, lunar cycle, lunar cycle influence

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