Gymboss Review

There’s a new piece of fitness equipment that I’ve started using recently that has quickly become a staple in my fitness routine and I’m going to share it with you in this Gymboss review. If you haven’t heard yet the Gymboss interval timer automatically keeps track of the timed sets that you’re doing while working out. This is great for high intensity interval training when you have to perform a set amount of intense work followed by a set time of lower intense workout. The main reason I wanted to write this Gymboss review was because I thought that everyone should know about this awesome fitness device.

If you’ve ever done high intensity interval training then you’ll know that when you’re working hard it’s very difficult to keep track of your timed sets. Instead of constantly staring at your watch or the clock I like to use the Gymboss to automatically do this for me. When I was able to set the Gymboss up only once I found that I could set it and forget it without any worries about keeping track of the time. This allowed me to workout harder and better since I wasn’t constantly staring down at my watch.

I’ve also started using the Gymboss timer while I’m personal training and it’s great for this because I’m not able to look at my watch when I’m supposed to be encouraging my training client. I liked how the Gymboss was smaller in size because I can just clip it to my pants and let it take care of the rest. The one thing that I found I didn’t like about the Gymboss was that it can be super loud when I’m using it in the gym and this caused some people to keep looking at me. Eventually after I read the instruction manual I found that you could put the Gymboss on vibrate mode so that solved the problem instantly.

An example of workout that you could do with the Gymboss would be to sprint for 30 seconds and then follow that with 30 seconds of either jogging or walking. Just make sure when you’re sprinting that you’re using your full exertion to get the most results possible. Use the downtime to catch you breath before you next set because it’s going to get more intense the more sets that you’ll do. Just imagine how difficult it would be to keep track of the time when you’re using your full exertion for sprints!

Overall I found the Gymboss to be a great piece of fitness equipment that’s portable, inexpensive and it should be a staple in everybody’s gym bag. There aren’t too many simple devices like this that just works and it’s not too complicated or takes up too much space. Just be sure to read the instruction manual because it may be a little difficult to get the hang of it if you’re just trying to wing it. Now that you’ve read this Gymboss review hopefully you’ll be able to decide whether it is the right product for you.

Author Bio: The author of this article on the Gymboss review is a certified personal trainer through the American Council on Exercise.

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