Intelligent Cars of the Future

Cars a few decades ago could only take you from one place to another but many of today’s vehicles utilize sophisticated computer technology and are extremely advanced. Some of the vehicle’s on the automotive market are already using systems which can detect driving behavior which deviates from the driver’s normal driving behavior possibly indicating drowsiness and fatigue. Volvo offers Pedestrian Detection Technology which brakes on its own if detects a passenger in front of the car. BMW uses a camera system called Night Vision which helps warns drivers of an impending collision via infrared cameras.

One company that has been working hard in order to further advanced vehicle technology is Ford. The company has assembled a task ford of experts who will combine forces in order to build a system that will allow one car to actually communicate with another. First they will need to create a common language that all vehicles will use in order to communicate. Two vehicles will be donated by Ford in order to further this project. Experts predict that the project should be finished by the year 20130. Driving clinics will also be launched which will be used to test out these new features.

Wi Fi will be used which means that vehicles will be able to commute wirelessly. So the car will be able to alert the driver if he or she is on a path to an impact, when a vehicle ahead stops or suddenly slows down, when driving behavior fluctuates, when there is another vehicle in the blind spot, when the car is approaching stationary or parked vehicles, or if another driver loses control of his or her car. Since vehicles will be able to communicate, drivers can also use this system to reserve a parking spot or perhaps communicate with another driver. The technology can also be used in order to decrease traffic flow and help drivers get to their destinations in a more efficient and faster manner. This will result in fuel savings and significant traffic delays.

This technology can also help in the case of accidents. Currently law enforcement conducts extensive research after an accident in order to determine the speeds of the cars during impact, the driving behavior of the parties involved and if and when the parties involved braked. This will not be necessary in the future since vehicles would be able to send this data directly to the appropriate agencies as necessary. As a result lengthy and expensive investigations will be a thing of the past since authorities would be able to receive accurate facts immediately.

It appears that the federal government understands how important it is to develop such a technology. Congress has implemented legislation which will make developing this technology a priority. Those who favor intelligent transportation systems want to be certain that the agenda is part of the government’s long term planning.

Many changes are on the horizon when it comes to automotive technology which will help prevent accidents and lead to less congestion. We can’t wait to see what’s in store for the future!

Author Bio: Written by Mercedes James – San Francisco Car Service and Bay area car repair offers great service in the Bay Area. In Minnesota, visit Bloomington Infiniti for Infiniti cars in Minneapolis, Crystal and Edina Prairie.

Category: Automotive
Keywords: intelligent cars, car technology, intelligent autos, future cars

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