Fitness Tips For Women in Their Thirties

Its not an easy task being a woman in her thirties. There are high chances that you are quite occupied with your job, working hard raising your children, or trying to get pregnant, and along with that, you are intensely involved in domestic activities. There is a good possibility that all this takes up most of your energy and you tend to feel tired at times. Amidst all this, can you find time for your fitness? Moreover, should you?

Why keep fit – Research shows that if women do not take efforts to keep themselves fit by the time they are thirty, their stamina for aerobic exercises starts decreasing, and another ten years later, it reduces by almost 6%. You are at high risk of increased blood pressure, diabetes and obesity as you grow older. Not only that, if you exercise regularly you can reduce the risk of breast cancer by almost 50%, and of heart disease by almost 15%.

Walk the mile – With your busy schedule, and low stamina for strenuous activity, the ideal thing to do is to start walking. You should start by walking for 20 minutes, and increase your walking time gradually. If you are comfortable with that, go for brisk walking. The right speed for brisk walking is to cover a mile in 15 minutes or less. Do not skip or take very long strides, but walk at a faster pace.

Watch your diet – Include nutritious food like sprouts and whole grains in your diet. Eat more fruits and green leafy vegetables. Switch the heavy breakfast for boiled eggs and oats. Try to consume minimum processed food. Also, avoid food with preservatives, like hot dogs and buns, consume home-cooked food instead. Have 1 to 3 glasses of milk daily, it will provide calcium to your body that will strengthen your bones, as well as protein to help your metabolism.

Have enough water – Water is very essential for the body. One of the main causes of diseases like arthritis, asthma and diabetes is dehydration. Lack of water in the body leads to faster contraction such of diseases. Water is vital for smooth functioning of the body processes, including digestion and excretion. If you do not drink enough water, your body will hold on the water it finds in fruits, vegetables and other foodstuffs, which will lead to water retention and bloating in the body.

Cut down on caffeine and alcohol – When you consume caffeine, your body excretes calcium, which is harmful at this age. Both alcohol and caffeine are diuretics that lead to excess urination, therefore the body ends up losing water. Moreover, some alcoholic drinks have high sugar content which could increase your glucose/sugar level unnecessarily. You should switch to tea. Try to have green tea as much as you can.

Body Nutrients – If you have been pregnant, you might have lost quite a lot of body nutrients and you need to replenish them. Consume nutrient dense healthy fats like almonds, flaxseed oil, olives and nut butter. Feast on seafood. It has omega-3 fatty acids which are good for your metabolism. It also has protein which will help preventing weakening of teeth and gum muscles, as well as hair loss.

Author Bio: If you would like to join a Bronte or join a Boot Camp, visit Bootcamps Sydney.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Boot Camp Bronte

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