Kinesiology Tape: A True Athletic Resource

In 2008 the use of kinesiology tape exploded after volleyball player, Kerri Walsh was seen sporting the mysterious product at the Beijing games. What made the item so fascinating to audiences was the strange fashion in which it was arranged across her shoulder. In many ways the bizarre appearance of the tape is symbolic of the product itself. This is because Kinesiology tape is unlike any item before it.

Typical athletic tape is composed of rigid cotton painted on one side with a hypoallergenic adhesive. The underlying concept behind its use is that an injured area can be stabilized and given support by carefully securing the area. Kinesiology tape, or “Elastic Therapeutic Tape”, on the other hand, is made of an elastic combination of cotton and acrylic. This more flexible material duo allows it to be customized far more to the needs of the user. It works by supporting the muscle group, while simultaneously permitting a certain degree of motion. This allows it to be used to both alleviate overused as well as aid underused muscle groups. It is also suggested that elasticity of the material and wave pattern on the adhesive promote a faster recovery. This is attributed to improved circulation from not wrapping, as is the process with standard tape.

How is it applied?
The word Kinesiology is based in the ancient Greek word “kineticos” meaning movement. Ultimately, altering the natural movement of muscle groups is how this product aids athletes. By strategically laying it the kinesiology tape in specific designs, the motion of targeted muscle groups can either be restricted or supported. This benefit, however, is incredibly dependent on proper application. Therefore, listed below are suggestions on how to apply the tape to two of the most frequently injured joints in the body. These are the shoulder and the knee.

Shoulder-When applying kinesiology tape to the shoulder it is important to make sure the arm is held at a 90-degree angle, perpendicular to the torso. Starting at the shoulder and working down towards the elbow smoothly apply the tape along the arm. For the sake of effectiveness the limb must be held extended during the entire process.

Knee-To properly support the knee using the kinesiology tape three separate pieces are required. First, using the straight I shaped tape (it is offered in I, X, and Y cuts) apply one end to the back of the calf and gently roll across the front of the knee. Taking a separate strip, repeat this process from the opposite side of the calf so that an X is formed over the knee. Finally, take an X shaped cut with a gap in the center, and apply across the back of the knee. This provides added support.

Though kinesiology tape has been available since the 1970’s it has only recently achieved mainstream use. This is somewhat of a mystery given its numerous benefits. Regardless of the reason it has been so understated, the tape clearly has a number of advantages over typical athletic wraps. It is truly a resource all athletes should exploit. All they have to do is be sure to apply it correctly.

Author Bio: Joe and his team at Med101 work hard to study Kinesiology Tape, and other types of Medical Supplies used in sports.

Category: Sports
Keywords: kinesiology tape, kinesio tape, kinesiology sports tap

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