Hair Loss – Why it Happens and How to Treat It

Got a mirror on your head? When your hair is gradually diminishing, your head will slowly decrease your youthful image and might as well, your self-esteem. This condition wherein a well-defined pattern of hair loss develops in men is called male-pattern baldness.

Medically, baldness is termed as alopecia. It is a result of various factors which makes the hairline thinner and thinner until it is totally lost. Since this condition affects a huge percentage of the male population, its preventive measures are well-searched.

Why hair loss happens?

Alopecia can be hereditary. If your great-grandfather lost his hair as well as your father, might as well, your hair will gradually grow thinner as you get older. Male-pattern baldness is thought to be the result of an increase in the level of a certain hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which initiates follicular miniaturization. During puberty, follicular miniaturization can start to happen thus an “M”-shaped hair line becomes noticeable.

Hair loss can also be a side-effect of chemotherapy. The use of chemotherapeutic drugs causes rapidly growing cells to diminish. Although this side-effect may subside after few months, some cancer patients remain bald because of the long-term systemic effect of the medication. In such case, using a wig is advised.

How can baldness be avoided?

The prevention of hair loss is possible through routine scalp massage. This habit promotes blood circulation to the scalp and stimulates the production of hair follicles. The use of aloe vera extract mixed with coconut oil has also been proven to be effective in preventing hair loss and promoting healthy hair. Aloe vera balances the pH level of the scalp and cleanses the pores.

Nourishing the hair scalp with vitamin A is a very good act of preventing hair loss. Vitamin A, otherwise known as retinol, increases follicular production thus promoting healthy scalp and hair. Dark green vegetables and yellow fruits are good sources of vitamin A.

Vitamin E or Alpha tocopherol is also an excellent vitamin for the prevention of baldness. Vegetable oil and tomatoes are rich in vitamin E which nourishes the scalp and hastens the growth of hair follicles while keeping it protected from free radicals and the sun’s harmful UV rays.

How can alopecia be treated?

Propecia is one of the drugs used to treat alopecia. However, the use of this synthetically produced chemical is not widely accepted because of its known side-effects which include gynecomastia. Avacor and Proxiphen are also popular drugs marketed to stop hair loss.

Alternative way of treating hair loss is through the use of an herb called Saw Palmetto. According to scientific research, Saw Palmetto contains a natural anti-androgenic ingredient which inhibits follicular miniaturization.

Moreover, hair transplant is one of the scientific breakthroughs that promise hair re-growth. The most common methods used in hair transplant are Scalp Reduction, Flap Surgery, and Hair Transplant Graft. This procedure is done under anesthesia. The prognosis after hair transplant is very good but it doesn’t mean an instant hair re-growth. It usually takes nine months after surgery before the growth of new hair is observed.

Author Bio: Dr. Andrew Kim specializes in surgical hair restoration and is committed in providing his clients the most satisfactory results in treating baldness and hair loss. He is the founder of the Australian Institute of Hair Restoration which operates in Canberra, Melbourne, and Sydney in Australia.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hair loss,baldness,alopecia treatment,hair transplant,hair restoration

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