Beauty, Elegance, And Surprising Design Potential: Thin Brick Accents Renovations

Thin brick is a wonderful choice for indoor accents and renovations. Easy to install, eye-catching and durable, it is the perfect way to jazz up a room or compliment a room upgrade or modernization. If you take nothing else from this article, take this: this brick is surprisingly simple to implement. It can be easily affixed to walls, counter tops, floors, ceilings, chimneys, and fireplaces. Any surface you would consider painting could achieve a higher aesthetic value with a thin brick cover. The ease of application of this product is only enhanced by the sheer variety of colors and designs available for this unique material.

If you are hoping to cover a living room wall in thin brick, for example, but you have decorated the rest of the room in neutral colors, there is no need to despair. Thin brick comes in more shades than just red. Grays, whites, and a mix of white-black-and gray bricks are just some of the options that will compliment lighter colored rooms. On the other hand, a darker toned room room, an office or kitchen perhaps, where reds, greens, blacks, and browns might dominate, shades of red thin brick can make powerful accents. In a bathroom done in blues, greens, or similar colors, choose a brick style like Mountain Stone (which is textured to look like limestone) to add an organic feel to the room.

Whatever color and style you choose, there are many places where thin brick can be affixed. Whether you cover one or more walls, a counter, part of a corner or outcropping, or just the back splash behind the stove with brick, you are certain to be pleased with the results. Likewise, a thin brick accent on a kitchen, bathroom, or office floor offers a nice way to lend class and style to any room.

You might even consider using brick as wainscoting or as a border between walls and ceilings. Thing brick is a great way to create that gorgoeos and often sought after ‘exposed brick’ feel. No need to worry about construction and destruction, just apply an area of thin brick to capture that urban elegance feel.

Other unique design ideas for thin brick, include using it to cover your ceiling. Yes, yes, brick covering an entire ceiling is unorthodox-but it is also incredibly lovely and fun to look at! You can make spirals, circles, arches, squares or other designs on the ceiling. The best part is that you needn’t worry about your ceiling fixtures, thin brick is easily split and overhead light and fan covers can be installed over it. A brick covered ceiling will immediately draw attention upward, thus offering a conversation piece for many a dinner party!

With many design options available, the only question that remains is where can you add some thin brick to your home? Take a look at design galleries ( for ideas and then head on down to your local masonry materials store to start shopping for your next beautiful room!

Author Bio: Using thin brick is a much better option for surface covering than paint. Mr. Masonry utilizes thin brick every chance he gets.

Category: Advice
Keywords: thin brick, better than paint

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