Keep Conversation Sexy

I saw then canoodling in the corner of a romantic restaurant the other day and I was admiring their obvious affection and love for one another until I heard the man speak.

“Dumpling, what would like for dessert?” he asked.

“Whatever you want monkey face,” she responded.

OK, not quite so sexy as I thought. I can’t imagine their bedroom life very hot when they talk to each other that way. Maybe it’s just me, but I think this is a bad habit a lot of couples fall into. Here’s why you should avoid it yourself.
Women like it when men talk to them in a way that makes them feel desirable.

I think so many men forget this.

Your goal should be to talk to women in a way that makes them feel sexy. Trust me, it is in your best interest to do this.

If you are calling your date or your girlfriend or even your wife “dude” she’s not going to feel very sexy. And if she’s not feeling very sexy, then guess what? You’ll be sleeping alone.

I want to share a few PUA pointers about how to talk to a girl with you right now. You may know most if not all of them, but a reminder won’t hurt because it is easy to slip into bad habits. So let’s take a look at some things to remember when talking to women:

The first rule to remember when you are talking to women is that – guess what – she’s a woman. Don’t talk to her or treat her like she’s one of the guys. Save the gutter talk for the nights you are out with the guys. This one simple rule can save you a lot of grief.

The second rule to remember when you are talking to women is that women find it sexy when men talk in a low, deep, sort of quiet voice. It thrills women to the tips of their toes to hear a man talk in this manner. They’ve actually done studies showing that a sexy voice can be even more important than how a man looks when women rate how sexually attractive a man is. If you have a squeaky, high voice (and aren’t going through puberty) then practice a lower tone. Take voice lessons if you must. It will be worth it.

The third rule to remember when you are talking to women is one I mentioned in the beginning of this article. Don’t call her dude, man, or anything else that detracts from her essence as a woman. In fact, I would go so far as to say that you should even avoid cutesy nicknames like Schmookems or whatever, because come on – how sexy do you feel when someone calls you Schmookems? This rule I give is very controversial and many men – and women – argue with it, but I truly believe it can hurt your intimate relations by calling each other names that you would call a pet dog or cat.

So those are just three basic rules to remember when you are thinking about how to talk to a girl in a way that is going to make her feel sexy and desirable. I’m sure there are many more caveats, but if you keep those three in mind, you should be in pretty good shape.

Author Bio: Bill has been an expert at PUA Forum for the last 7 years in NYC and can teach you the skills you need to be a PUA, including how to How To Find A Girlfriend. The original article can be found here: Keep Conversation Sexy.

Category: Dating
Keywords: pua forum, how to start a conversation, how to meet women, how to pick up women, text a girl

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