See the World Teaching English in Korea

The world out there is a big place, with exotic things to see and intriguing cultures and peoples to experience. If you are adventurous there is a way for you to start seeing it right now, and get paid at the same time. Teaching English in Korea will allow you to see Asia for a year, or more, while accumulating savings to repay debts, invest, make a down payment on a house, or travel.

If you have read this far you are likely just the kind of person who will value this opportunity. It\’s easy to do and could just be the most important decision you ever make. Positions like this exist throughout he world, but none are as lucrative as those in South Korea. Now you can learn about living abroad, experience the people and their culture, and have the satisfaction and inspiration of overcoming challenges and adapting to change. You will become a better and more capable person. The kind prospective employers value, or that is empowered to one day build a business yourself.

This is the opportunity to move on from that unsatisfying job, get your first post college job, or stop waiting for work after being laid off. Make life an adventure. Experience another culture, land, and people. This will create growth in abilities to solve problems, handle change, and work together with others. These are qualities prospective employers will value in their employees. Or you might find promising opportunities abroad as an employee or business owner once the contract is completed.

During this time there will be opportunities for travel in the country, or through other Asian countries during vacations. Japan, China, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, and India are close by. Nothing is better than getting paid to travel the world.

Application is very simple, involving submission of an application on-line, producing evidence that you were awarded a Bachelor\’s Degree and have a crime free record. English must be your native language. You will be interviewed by telephone. Some employers will be looking only for applicants aged 20 to 55.

Most of these employers will provide Visa support, paid airfare both ways, guaranteed placement and salary, paid housing or alternatively a monthly allowance, and accident and health insurance. Orientation, in country support, and paid vacations are normal. They will help in whatever way possible to make your experience enjoyable.

Teaching will require twenty to thirty hours a week of your time. The students are eager to learn. An opportunity to earn additional income from private instruction also exists. Salaries can vary but are reasonable, considering you will be required to pay little out of pocket expense.

The money you earn during this traveling adventure can be saved for student loan repayment, payment of debts incurred during periods of unemployment, down payment on a house, or starting a a new business. You will forge new friendships and encounter new lands and cultures firsthand. You will have the rewarding opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others while you are teaching English in Korea.

Author Bio: Trying to find out about teaching in Korea? Get a job placement with Travel and Teach Recruiting Inc., one of the leading ESL recruiting agencies. Visit www.travelandteachrecruiting to find out about free placements for teachers in Korea.

Category: Career
Keywords: teach in Korea, teaching in Korea, teaching english in Korea

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