3 Sure Fire Ways To Put A Stop To Your Golf Slicing

Before I start to talk about the ways you can fix your golf slice, it\’s important that I make sure you know the reasons why you\’re slicing the golf ball. Once you know why you maybe slicing your shots you can put the steps in place to fix it.

To finnaly get rid of your slice, you need to put in to practice what I teach you below. Don\’t expect to fix your golf slice if you never put in the work.

What\’s the Cause of the Golf Slice?

Every straight golf shot has one thing in common, the clubface is always square at impact. It\’s the clubface being open at impact that causes the golf slice, thus causing the club to cut across the golf ball, causing it to spin and slice off to the right (or left if you\’re a lefty).

Now, most of the time, the swing from the golfer is in fault, nevertheless in certain cases a persons\’ swing is not the issue, it is actually their particular grip on the club. A little too weak of the grip on the club might cause it to open when you hit your golf ball, resulting in the slice down the golf ball.

Various other more uncommon reasons include golf swing speed, choice of club, in addition to flex in the shaft. If you are struggling with a slice and also you use a golf club which has a firm shaft, you will get improved end results should you change to the softer flex.

How Can I Cure My Slicing?

Change your Grip

Maybe the simplest thing to test when ever trouble shooting your own golf slice is usually to alter your golf grip position. If your clubface is open for impact try gripping your club slightly clockwise (or anti – clockwise if you are a lefty). It may sound counter intuitive, but it really does actually work to stop the golf club opening up more at impact.

In relation to the strength you might be clenching the golf club with, it shouldn\’t be too firm because this will probably lead you to slice far more. A simple secure yet soft golf club grip is perfect, not too light as to lose control, but not too hard to run the risk of tightening up the swing all together.

3 Inches Away Drill

If you are attempting to hit straight you should always line your whole body (shoulders, hips, as well as feet) square towards the specific target.

Once the golf club gets to be outside the golf ball to target line in your downswing there isn\’t much you can do to avoid the golf slice. In order to prevent it from occurring, picture a golf ball three or more inches straight ahead of your own.

As you go into your downswing try to strike your own ball as pure as possible, and maintain your swing path to attempt to hit the imaginary ball too. This unique little tip can help you get accustomed to the in-to-out swing path as opposed to the out-to-in swing path that can cause the golf slice.

This could very well be the most powerful rule you should use around the course to help you with the golf slice. It might appear strange at first however if you put into practice this mental tip there\’s a fairly good chance you\’ll resolve your slicing issues.

Author Bio: Rob has been a golf instructor for the last 30 years and a golf enthusiast for longer than that. To help dramatically lower your scores be sure to read through his Simple Golf Swing Review and his section on beginner golf tips.

Category: Sports
Keywords: golf swing,golf slice,golf tips

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