Items to Offer People From Your Convention Booth

A lot of business owners attend conventions. They do this to help promote their business to those who already have an interest in the product or service, or they do it to keep on top of the latest developments in their field. A convention is a great place to learn about what your competition is doing, as well as a get a feel for what is going on in the industry in general. Conventions are a great time to reach out to potential customers. Most attendees already have an interest in your product or service, which is why they chose to attend the convention. Even if they are not looking to buy immediately, they are a part of your marketing demographic, so your being at the convention is a great marketing opportunity. It is important to reach as many convention attendees as possible in the most effective and affordable way. Handing out items from your booth is one of the best options. They are likely to get plenty of materials while browsing the convention, so custom printed bags are a great option to get you noticed. Fabric bags are sturdy and reusable, and they feature your logo for all to see at the convention and later. How many times have you heard the question asked at a convention “Where did you get your bag?” This could work in your favor!

Other handouts are also popular marketing items. Pens and paper are a great option because they come in handy on the regular basis. You will always be at a potential customers fingertips when they are writing down a note. The disadvantage is these items do not last forever. However, during the time they are in use, you are the first thing the writer is thinking about.

Coupons are an option at conventions because they give potential customers a reason to contact you in the future. You can hand out coupons to all those who stop by your booth. This is also a great way to track how much business you generated at the convention. This way you know if it will be worth attending for you in the future. Offer a special discount to those who attend the convention and contact you later in order to generate business and offer people an incentive for following up on your initial meeting.

Having services in your booth to lure people in is another great idea. For instance, if you are a medical company, you can offer a medical evaluation or a chair massage. You are giving the customers something very beneficial for free and encouraging them to learn more about what you have to offer.

Finally, use the tried and true technique of feeding them. Nothing gets people’s attention like free food. Stock your booth with candy, water and treats and people will be climbing over one another to get to you. Make sure the items are labeled with your company logo. Even though they will eventually get tossed, you will generate plenty of attention during the event.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter recently purchased several cases of custom printed bags with his restaurant’s logo printed on it. His wife ordered special fabric bags for a fundraiser at their restaurant.

Category: Business
Keywords: custom printed bags,fabric bags

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