Bodybuilding Supplement-the Easy Way to Become a Muscleman

Who doesn’t wish for a healthy and an attractive looking body? In today’s hectic life, people are well conscious that a healthy body is the most admiring possession besides having a peaceful mental health. Various natural methods of body building such as yoga, aerobics and freehand exercises are well approved by health conscious persons. Besides these physical methods, numerous bodybuilding supplements are available in the market. These products are basically dietary supplements which are required by professional bodybuilders and athletes.

The bodybuilding supplements contain one or more of these nutrients-

1) Protein- Protein helps in growth and repair of muscle tissues. Protein supplements are available in various forms such as drink shakes, oat powder, health gel, chunky bars, and that also in different flavors. Body builders require high intake of protein for muscle repair. Whey protein is prepared during cheese-making process. Whey concentrate protein contains 29% to 89% and whey isolate contain more than 90% protein by weight. Milk, Soybeans, Egg and hemp-seed are other sources of protein.

2) Essential Fatty acids- These are the essential source of energy for the body. Alpha-linolenic acid and linolenic acid are the essential fatty acids required by body builders who habitually avoid fatty foods. Fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel, soybean oil, flaxseed oil and walnuts contain these fatty acids.

3) BCCA (branched-chain amino acids)- These are needed for protein synthesis in muscle-building and are used as source of energy during aerobics. BCCA supplementation reduces muscle breakdown.

4) Glutamine- This amino acid is found abundantly in human muscle but decreases during exercises where energy is released. Hence bodybuilders require glutamine as supplement which is available in powder form.

5) Creatine- It is a naturally occurring organic acid in the body which supplies energy to the muscles during instantaneous requirements such as weight-lifting. Researchers have commented that creatine can boost energy levels and muscle mass, besides improving mental health. It is available naturally in fishes like salmon, tuna and also in beef. Creatine is the most necessary food for bodybuilders and its effects are enhanced if taken with carbohydrate.

6) Testosterone boosters- This hormone boosts the male sex characteristics. Bodybuilders use Testosterone boosters to increase muscle mass. These artificial supplements are reported to cause harmful side-effects.

7) Thermogenic products- This type of food supplement causes thermogenesis, i.e. increase in body temperature, which enhances metabolism and further burning of body fat. Certain constituents such as ephedrine has been banned by the Food and Drug Administration.

What are meal replacement products?
MRPs are readymade packaged food supplements which are taken in place of meals. They mainly contain whey protein, soy protein and/or egg protein and also creatine, glutamine, amino acids and essential fatty-acids.
Are bodybuilding supplements really safe?

Bodybuilding supplements helps to increase muscles in a short time, but they have many harmful side-effects. Those manufactured from natural substances have less side-effect but artificial supplements are not easily accepted by the body. Excessive intake of bodybuilding supplements has a negative effect on the user’s health on the long run. Some of these are discussed below:

Protein- Although proteins are the most required nutrient by the bodybuilders, they should be taken in the prescribed form and not in excess. The body has a limited capability of digesting protein and excessive intake can cause kidney problems, osteoporosis and diarrhea.

Creatine- Intake of creatine causes muscle cramps, kidney problems and many other problems.

Glutamine- Too much consumption of this supplement results to stomach upset, nausea and sometimes affects the brain.

A bodybuilders’ diet consisting of various bodybuilding supplements is never a balanced diet as it is mainly constituted of protein and carbohydrates, thus lacking fats, fibers and other foods. Thus it can be concluded that a strong body results only from regular exercise and balanced food.

Author Bio: bodybuilding supplement Nutritional supplements are taken to compensate diets that are deficient in essential nutrients and minerals. Nutritional supplements are intended to enrich the food value of your diet. creatine supplements

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: acaiberry, weight loss supplements, nutritional supplement, protein supplement

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