The Importance of a Protein Supplement

Proteins, carbohydrates and fats are the three macro nutrients required by the body for energy. Of these, protein is a series of amino acids. The amino acids are the primary sources of body nitrogen. For proper growth of muscles, it is necessary to have a positive nitrogen balance in the body.
We all know that protein is necessary for building muscles. However protein has other properties too. Protein is required

– For preservation of muscle tissue during dieting.
– As a source of energy in absence of carbohydrates.
– To maintain a balanced PH level in the blood.
– To build up and maintain right hormone levels.
– To enable body’s immune system to function properly.
– To maintain body’s fluid balance well regulated.

A protein supplement is needed if you are on a resistance training program to increase lean muscle mass. In the human body, muscle tissue is constantly being repaired and replaced. With a protein supplement you can maintain protein positive nitrogen balances if your diet alone cannot perform the same function effectively.

Protein supplement is necessary if your protein intake is inadequate. A protein deficiency causes your muscle to be lost. Besides, some other important body functions are impaired E.g. hormone regulation and blood PH balance are adversely affected.

If you are on a weight training program, more muscle tissues are in need of repair. Protein supplements are in greater need for such people. Proper protein supplements eaten regularly would ensure a steady intake of amino acids and maintain a correct nitrogen balance.

It has been established that it takes more energy to have protein digested than carbohydrate or fat. Compared to carbohydrate or fat it takes 30% more effort for the human body to digest protein. As a result a diet high in protein increases your metabolism and helps in fat -loss.

During workouts, following changes occur in the human body.
– Muscles loss glycogen.
– Muscles are damaged and need repair.

A protein supplement helps to keep proper nitrogen balance in the body. When there is a positive nitrogen balance your body can repair the muscles. If your muscles repair faster you can recover faster. On the other hand, lack of adequate food or protein supplement creates a negative nitrogen balance and it takes longer to recover.

Protein food sources include cheese, milk, eggs, fish, chicken, seafood, beef, pork, soy, nuts and legumes. Fatty and starchy foods also contain small amounts of protein. Protein levels in these foods being small these are generally not taken into account by body builders when calculating protein intake. A complete protein food has all the essential amino acids. Animal proteins are complete protein sources. Vegetables are sources of incomplete protein foods.

Protein supplement foods have become increasingly popular. These protein supplements are more convenient to consume and needs no time to cook. Protein supplements are also quite cost effective. The average serving cost of protein supplements is much lower than that of beef or seafood or poultry.

The recommended dietary allowance for an adult in U.S.A. is 0.8 grams of protein per Kg of body weight. This works out to 0.36 gm of protein per pound of body weight. For a 150 pound adult, the minimum protein requirement is 54 gms per day.

Protein supplements as said before are easy and practical to consume. Some of the other advantages of protein supplements are as follows.
– Protein supplements are usually a balanced protein source.
– Protein supplements are often blended with vitamins and minerals making them multi-dimensional.
– Many protein supplements can serve to satisfy your carving for sweets without boosting the calorie.
– Some protein supplements have more biological value than real foods.
– A protein shake is easy on the stomach.

Author Bio: protein supplement Nutritional supplements are taken to compensate diets that are deficient in essential nutrients and minerals. Nutritional supplements are intended to enrich the food value of your diet. bodybuilding supplement

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: acaiberry, weight loss supplements, nutritional supplement, protein supplement

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