5 Annoying People To Sit Next To At A Restaurant

If people are already fed up with home-cooked meals, their best next option is, more often than not, to go to restaurants. The truth with restaurants, however, is that all sorts of people go in and out from there-young or old, male or female, quiet or loud, reserved or wild, kind or rude, and the list goes on. Oftentimes, people eating inside restaurants are not really bothered with what’s going on around them unless their so-called tolerable level is challenged. Well, some people just do things that are so overboard, so unpleasant and well, spell it out and one word comes out – annoying. Yes, there really are completely annoying people who care less about their actions, not even having a clue that the people around them are already throwing them evil stares. Basically, people go to restaurants for pleasure dining and the last thing they ever want to happen is to be seated next to this bothersome group. Here are these people:

1. People who eat loud.

It is quite disgusting to be seated next to people who chew their food too loud. Just the mere thought of slurping and goat-chewing is already so gross, enough for one to lose his appetite. For many, it is hard to focus on a meal when they have that disturbing background to accompany their eating.

2. Children who tirelessly scream and run around the tables.

Toddlers are cute but not until they start shouting loudly, running around the tables, fighting with each other, pushing and crying on the top of their lungs. Since restaurants are public places, parents should learn how to discipline their children, teaching them manners and controlling their behavior. But some parents just don’t care what their children are doing. And before they knew it, their kids have already smashed into others’ tables, spilling others’ beverage and food – and well, unless one is extremely happy, this can really get to someone’s nerves so easily.

3. People who talk loudly on their phones.

Nothing is more irritating than to hear almost every word the other person is saying over the phone. Some people are just so into themselves that they forget they have neighbors too – who have the ears! Good manners dictate that people should take a long call in a quiet and private place, where they cannot disturb and be disturbed at the same time. Not everybody is really used to obnoxious talks and since restaurant is a public place, people should be kind enough to respect other people’s moments too.

4. People who can’t wait to do nasty acts.

Food is for restaurant and the rest is for motel. But some people just can’t wait for this! And the worst thing is to be seated next to PDA hypochondriacs. It really is hard not to ignore their acts and well, if it sounds intruding for the customers to reprimand them, then the restaurants can set up rules to have their waiters talk with them instead. These people can potentially destroy the image of decent restaurants, too. They should have gone to bars if they can’t anymore wait to do their thing.

5. People who discuss their gross personal issues loudly.

Consider this scenario: A hungry man is about to start taking a bite on his all-time favorite meal. All of a sudden, he hears about personal medical issues from the women behind. They talk about vaginal tumors, cysts, kidney transplant, gallbladder surgery, fungal infections and so on and so forth, unstoppably leaking out the specifics of the illnesses. Not everyone is really strong enough to bear having these thoughts while eating – not even the masochistic man. Hearing these discussions are really stomach-turning without the rollercoaster ride.

In restaurants, people cannot just choose who can seat next to them. But certainly, they can choose where they want to be seated. Thus, if people are really disturbed with their tablemates, then they can always move to many tables as they want, unless they’re already tired from doing so or there are no vacant tables any more. If this happens, then people always have the decency to give annoying people a word. But if still, this doesn’t work, then they will just have to pack their food and leave. It’s as simple as that.

Author Bio: Danny loves writing about high cholesterol foods at his blog but if you ever want him to write for your blog then feel free to contact him.

Category: Food and Drinks
Keywords: cholesterol, restaurant, food, waiter, fast food, eat, feast

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