Find Out What a Tarot Card Reading Can Reveal

There are many ways of consulting the cards and many different techniques involved, with different types of cards developed by occultists throughout the years. While the general pack (called the Greater Arcana) only made use of 22 trumps, more experienced readers employed all 78 cards to be used for divination of things to come. The Tarot cards must be read like the pages of a book; if we were to consider the basic 22 trump system, there are over a billion different sequences or possible outcomes representing every conceivable situation. This is why the tarot card reading became known to be more in depth than other divination prediction systems.

Like I Ching, the tarot card reading is taken quite seriously, not just in Japan where it is more wide spread but by reputable psychologists like Carl Jung. The way it works is by proposing a specific question which the questioner and psychic both concentrate on while dealing the cards. The cards are laid out pending on the question in a specific way and each card represents influencing factors to the question. Many things can be revealed through a tarot card reading, it can help when faced with a difficult choice like whether to stay where you are or move out, wherever you will be happy with a new love, advice in what career path to take or anything else. The answers you get will not just be closed answers “yes or no”, with tarot cards, a story will unfold with clear indicators of influencing factors, a pattern will always emerge.

Each card in a tarot card reading represent different traits which when combined give an indication of things that have happened, things that are happening and things to come. They work through symbolism and interpreted by the tarot card reader. The longer a reader owns and uses his or her tarot cards, the stronger the influence he/she will hold over them. A sacred relationship is made between the reader and the cards. This is how a tarot card reading would normally be applied to a young woman who has been married for several years and works in a professional job. Due to her husband, she lived in a district that she’s not very fond of but doesn’t know whether to settle with everything she’s worked so hard to accomplish or try to persuade her husband to move and start a new life somewhere else?

In this example, the first card is chosen to represent the question, this is known as the significator. Each card has its own significance and the position of each in the pattern also has a particular meaning. In this example, the cards played out suggested that the questioner and her husband had mutual sympathy and understanding, and their marriage appeared to be a successful one; It would have been dangerous to threaten it’s stability by pursuing the change that was the subject of the question.

Author Bio: Rachel Saxon writes for the metaphysical industry and is a Reiki Master. Highly Recommended Psychic Reading Also Psychic Reading And Psychic Readings

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