Professional Massage: First Time Goers Try This
Getting a massage for the first time can be a daunting adventure. The idea of being almost nude in front of a total stranger can be enough to turn most people off from getting a massage. The reality is that there is a massage that fits almost every personality type including those who prefer to be clothed. Being at ease with getting a massage is a matter of knowing the massage that best fits the individual’s personality and needs.
There are more types of massage styles than there is room to write about them all. There are a few types of massage that are popular because of their universal application and appeal to the masses. The most popular of them all is the Swedish massage.
In a Swedish massage, a therapist uses their hand to do long smooth strokes on the skin in a soothing manner. Oils and lotion on the skin help the therapist’s hands glide across the skin and soften the touch. The ultimate result is the releasing of tension in the muscles and relaxation. The massage is a total body massage and does require the client to be draped only in a towel or sheet. Underwear may be kept on for those who are out of their comfort zone.
The Swedish technique is soothing, but for those who require a more therapeutic approach may consider a deep tissue massage. The benefits are relief of pain in the muscles caused from posture problems or large amounts of strain. The massage itself may cause physical discomfort as the therapist works deeper into the muscle layers. The healing process may take a few days, but usually results in longer lasting relief.
If a deep tissue massage isn’t enough, a stone massage may be the more therapeutic approach. With the introduction of hot and cold temperatures, stone massage can help the body heal itself. It is important to note that stone massage isn’t necessarily it’s own style of massage. It incorporates techniques from other forms of massage and replaces the touch of the hand with the touch of stone. The stone strokes can be as much as 10 times more effective than a stroke with the hand. One can get a soothing stone massage like a Swedish massage or they can get a rehabilitating stone massage like that of the deep tissue massage. Either way, stone therapy is an exhilarating experience that everybody should have at least once in their life-time.
If the lack of clothing required a traditional massage is an issue, than one should consider a shiatsu massage. In this form of therapy, finger pressure is applied to the body in a localized manner making the pressure feel deep. A client may remain fully clothed throughout the session.
If there is still some uncertainty about the details of a massage it is a good idea to ask close friends about their experience with therapists. Friends may offer advice about what makes them feel more comfortable such as requesting a male or female therapist. No matter what massage you get remember that certified therapists are professionals and will help you feel completely comfortable. After all, that is their job.
Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about performing hot stone massage and about obtaining a proper hot stone massage kit.
Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stone massage, hot stone massage kit