The Daily Multivitamin That Your Children Should Have

As a parent you search hard for every possible way to keep your child healthy. That is why when combating everyday pollutants, health risks, and other diseases we protect our kids with the best multivitamin we can find. But how do you choose what’s right?

When it comes to multivitamins, you cannot give your child the same ones you are taking. The nutritional needs and requirements of adults are far more different than children. That is why you have to give them supplements suited for their age and within their recommended intake (RI).

In an ideal world it is hard for children to get all the nutrients that they need. With exception, of course, to parents who are stringent in keeping a well-balanced diet? They would choose Cheerios over a stalk of celery any given day. Children are picky eaters and are certainly no experts in choosing the healthy ones. That is why you go to supplementary multivitamins and minerals to fill the gaps caused by deficiencies.
A good supplement should be one that has a comprehensive list of active ingredients. It should also be one that is potent enough to fully reach the cells and not just parts of it.

There are supplements out in the market that has vitamins, minerals, trace elements, standardized active enzymes, amino acids, immunity-stimulating blends, co-factors and standardised herbal extracts. A comprehensive ingredient list with the right nutrients to promote good health and prevent diseases is a parent’s “heaven sent”.

Supplements that are extensively packed with the right nutrients derived from various sources can make for a stronger and more effective product. For example, products with immunity-stimulating blends such as Aloe Vera Polysaccharides derived from the Aloe Barbadensis Miller plant, and Natural Soluble Fibre from seaweed, can work synergistically with other vitamins and minerals to strengthen the immune system.

Just the same, B complex vitamins can work alongside some amino acids and herbal extracts to promote better memory in your children.

There are products that delivers this much benefits to your child’s daily supplementary intake. But is a good precautionary measure to also check the integrity of the product.

You can check any available literature about a brand, may it be reviews, leaflets, or their website, to know whether the process of manufacturing is efficient enough not to compromise the product? You wouldn’t want your child to have less than what you expect the supplement to deliver.

A good rule of thumb is to check how the delivery system of the product works. Enteric-coated is a good choice, because it protects the supplement from being prematurely broken down by acids in the stomach. If this happens, not much of the nutrients can reach the cells giving you less than desirable outcome.

Childhood is the best formative years, and it is a parent’s job that you start them out the right way. A complete high potency multivitamin supplement is a good investment to promote good health in your children.

Author Bio: Cynthia Wang-Tan is a nurse journalist and a health consumer just like you. She has written multivitamin reviews, articles and blog posts aiming at helping you sift through healthy options. From being helpless to learning in making the right choices she has tried, tested and gone over the best multivitamin that can make significant change in your health.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: multivitamin ingredients,multivitamin with minerals,vitamin supplements,the best multivitamin

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