Remedies to Get Rid of Male Boobs to Get Flat Chest

If you are suffering from gynecomastia or what is more commonly known as the male breast syndrome, not to worry too much about it because most of the time the symptoms will disappear by itself. If it does not, then you can still get rid of it through some other remedies or even surgery.

In your research about gynecomastia treatments, I am sure that you must have come across many websites saying conflicting things which are utterly confusing and are also telling you things that do not work. Most of the sites will ask you to do a lot of chest exercises such as push ups and bench presses, right? Have you tried them? Did those chest exercises reduce or even get rid of your boobs?

Of course they didn’t! I do agree that chest exercises can firm up your chest muscles and make your male breast looking less saggy, but that is only for cosmetic effect and they do not get the fat out of your chest which is causing your chest to look the way it is.

This may sound funny, but there are people who mistakenly think that doing these exercises will turn their body fat into muscles. Look guys, body fat and muscles are completely different tissues and there is no way that fat cells will turn into muscle cells or vice versa.

So if you are one of those who think that way, I hope that you get that thought out of your head. That will mean that the fat on your chest will still be there and your male breast condition will not go away except giving them some cosmetic effect, which is all that there is to it.

So here are some remedies to help you to get rid of your chest fat naturally. First, if you are overweight, then it is time to start losing weight. As you reduce your total body fat, some of those fats will have to come from your chest. If you are one of those who is not overweight but yet is suffering from gynecomastia , then read on.

First, you need to know the cause of your condition. Gynecomastia is usually caused by a hormonal imbalance. That means that you probably have a higher level of estrogen (female hormone) and lower levels of testosterone (male hormone) than usual. So that will mean that if you can restore the hormonal balance, then you will be cured, as simple as that.

There are many reasons for the hormonal imbalance to happen and one of them is that you may be consuming too many processed and manufactured foods instead of natural foods. So begin by taking these processed foods out from your diets as these foods are heavily laden with chemicals and additives which can wreak havoc to your hormones.

Instead, eat more healthy and natural foods such as lean meat, fish, leafy and cruciferous vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. These fresh natural foods can also help to restore your hormonal balances and so are helpful in reducing or even curing male boobs.

Vigorous regular exercise, especially weight training is another way to raise your testosterone and decrease your estrogen level. Make sure that you workout your entire body and not just your chest for the increase in testosterone to be much more effective.

If you love your alcohol, then it is time to stop drinking because alcohol suppresses testosterone production and at the same time is chock full of calories. This is the reason why you see many drinkers with gynecomastia conditions and spotting ugly and unhealthy beer bellies to boot. So just try out these suggested remedies and see if they are enough to get rid of your male boobs and get a flat chest.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a health and fitness coach and says that if you are serious about curing gynecomastia, then read How to cure man breast and How to get rid of male breast

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: male boobs, get rid of, cure, man breast, gynecomastia

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