What is Hoshino Therapy?

Hoshino therapy is a form of therapeutic massage that uses acupressure and heat to loosen the hardening of the muscles. Patients who are suffering from the stiffening of muscles, tendons and ligaments are individuals who have a condition which is known as arthrosis. This type of therapy was specially designed for the effective treatment of arthrosis. Hoshino therapy is more of a preventive type rather than a treatment therapy. However, on some cases, it can also be used on several conditions.

This type of therapy specializes in determining abnormalities just by running the fingers and palm on the soft tissues of the body. They are highly trained to acquire sensitivity in both hands to serve this purpose. Anything that is out of the ordinary is treated as something threatening to the physical condition of the patient. Massage therapy technique is quickly conducted to treat the evaluated and spotted problems within the client’s body.

The history of this oriental massage therapy can be traced back in the 1940s. Japanese acupuncturist Tomezo Hoshino developed this type of therapy during his stay at the top of a mountain. Hoshino was frustrated before he climbed the mountain as he wasn’t satisfied with the relief he gets from acupuncture for his bursitis in his shoulder. During his stay at the mountain, he was able to treat his condition and later on honed his skills and techniques and began to spread and introduce his new therapy to the public. He also taught many practitioners who were interested in learning the Hoshino therapy.

Hoshino therapy uses basic acupressure techniques in providing deep pressure on the soft tissues on the patient’s body; however they are quite skilled and knowledgeable in knowing whether there is discomfort. This type of acupressure massage therapy uses 250 vital pressure points that are connected to each of the parts of the body. Pressure and heat is applied using both hands during the massage therapy to target each of the points all over the body. The therapist works on each point that is located on the soft tissue of the body such as the muscle, ligament and tendon.

This technique is also great for relaxing the body and calming the senses which can cause stress, tension and fatigue. The patient can expect lots of benefits from having a massage session of Hoshino therapy. This therapy can relieve chronic and acute muscle pain all over the body, improve circulation, enhance flexibility, and improve body posture. It is also effective not only in preventing problems but also in treating conditions such as joint pain, sciatica nerve pain, back pain, bursitis, sports injuries, tendinitis, shoulder pain and many more.

Preparation is also vital if you are after receiving comfort and the best results from this therapy. The therapy’s preparations prior to the scheduled massage therapy session are also similar with all the other types of therapeutic massage all over the world. Arriving early and eating light meal are some of those preparations needed to be met to improve the comfort, confidence and effectiveness of the therapy.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about performing hot stone massage therapy and obtaining a proper hot stone massage kit.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stone massage, hot stone massage kit

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