Speaker Education Tips – Create an Emotional Response

Speaker Education: Dave VanHoose – Trainer
Speaker Education Tip #1: Create an Emotional Response

One of the first things that I teach when doing speaker education is to learn how to create an emotional response in your audience. Be Uplifting. Even if your story goes through some dark periods of your life, you want your audience to feel better at the end of it. Everyone loves a happy ending. Everyone wants to feel hope. People love stories about the underdog fighting back and winning.

Speaker Education Bonus Tip: Your story should bring about an emotional response because all buying decisions are based in emotion. Speaker education is all about getting people to make a buying decision.

When doing speaker education, I always tell my story. Think about what I say when I tell my story. I give you my background: I’m a successful athlete, I am very active. Then I have a huge setback, don’t I? I have to have back surgery. I can no longer be a professional athlete. I have had that door shut to me. It was a very dark moment for me. I woke up in the hospital, flat on my back, not knowing how I was going to make a living or really, not knowing if I would have a normal life. At that moment, people in the audience are connecting with me. We have all had dreams that have been wiped out; we have all had doors shut on us.

Speaker Education Note: Am I manipulating your emotions? Not at all! That was a very bleak period in my life. If I was lying about that, or if I knew at the time I was going to be okay so I wasn’t very affected by it, then yes, I would be manipulating your emotions. That would be wrong and it wouldn’t ring true. Quite frankly, I am not that good an actor. And very few people are.

But what I am doing is engaging your ability to put yourself in my situation. I am eliciting your empathy and causing you to identify with me. I want you to see yourself in my story. Because when I go on to tell you how my life changed for the better, I want you to see your life changing for the better. I want you to take that journey with me.

When you get your audience to become emotionally involved with your story, you get them believing in you and believing in themselves. Speaker education teaches you how to make the audience feel fantastic!

I’ve said this before, but this is a speaker education key: All buying decisions are based in emotion. As soon as I get to this part of the story, I am going to anchor it to my product. “After I came out of back surgery I knew I had to do something. I knew I wanted to work on foreclosures. I wanted a system that would help me do just that. I used this system (and I point to my product at that point in the story) and I did my first real estate deal and made forty grand.” You are identifying with me, you are involved emotionally, and when your emotions are in that charged state, I am going to create an anchor to my product at that moment. You put the anchors into your talk at the moments when your audience is most emotionally charged.

As soon as you create the emotion, point to either yourself, your product or the table at the back of the room. You are anchoring your product or yourself to that emotional state. You have placed that anchor in their subconscious. A lot of people tell stories, but they don’t anchor the product down. Anchor your product down. Then move into what changes happened in your life and how your product is going to help them.

Speaker Education Bonus Tip: Give a Call to Action.

Your story tells the audience what you did to change your situation. You are planting the seeds for them to take action when the time comes. By showing the audience that your success is a direct result of taking action, you are subconsciously telling them that they should take action, too.

Author: Paul J. Cline

For more Speaker Education tips go to:
(818) 938-2160 (Speaking Empire)
Dave VanHoose – Speaker Education Specialist and Trainer

Author Bio: Paul Cline: Speaker, Author, Trainer, Businessman, Consultant and Marketer Visit Speaking Empire Visit Business Done For You Visit SEO-Sarasota

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