How You Can Have FC Barcelona Tickets Delivered Direct to Your Hotel

You know what it\’s like. Your flight arrives on the tarmac, you fight your way through the throngs of people trying to get their baggage from the conveyor belt – at least you do once it\’s been unloaded and hopefully in one piece – and by the time you\’ve gone through the customs area you find the taxi ranks have a snake of people all wanting to get to their hotels, just the same as you.

Of course, there is always the bus or the train, but where do they stop and how often do they run? You saw it in your guidebook, but which page was it? Or maybe it was the other guidebook, the one you left at home.

At last you make it to your hotel and unpack a few things before getting on with the important business of enjoying your weekend in Barcelona. There is so much to see and do, you have to go and see the great cathedral by Gaud

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