What is Polarity Massage Therapy?

Polarity massage therapy is a form of therapeutic massage that deals with various conditions without manipulating the correction of various dysfunctions in the muscle tissues of the patient. The therapy focuses on balancing the energy within the body which is a principle somehow typical among the Oriental massage therapy types.

The therapy was developed by Dr. Randolph Stone who was a doctor and a writer of health books at the same time. He was famous for writing books regarding the combination of various principles including Naturopathy, Ayurveda, CranioSacral Therapy, Osteopathy, Hermetic Philosophy, and Quantum Physics. These were combined to form a holistic therapy that uses techniques to neutralize the energies within the patient’s body. The therapy became popular in the 1970s when alternative medical care and medicines were becoming the trends when it came to health issues.

Although polarity massages aim in improving the human energies inside the body, the electromagnetic fields, and the balancing of the energies within the body, the principles believed in this type of therapy are more complex than its Asian counterparts. The therapy believes in the presence of negative, positive and neutral energies inside the body of the patient. The massage therapist’s goal is to convert the energies into its neutral state to help the body help itself. The therapist conducts the therapy with bodywork, exercise, diet and self-awareness techniques. Without these, the treatment would not produce sufficient and satisfying results. That is why polarity massage therapists emphasize the importance of all these regimens prior to the therapy session.

During the therapy session, the patient can expect the redirecting of negative and positive energies to become neutral within the body. The therapist will place each hand on the negative and positive areas of the body and redirect them. A dietary plan will also be handed to the client who should be strictly followed for best result and for the success of the therapy. Polarity yoga is also performed during the therapy session which is also based on the principle of realigning or balancing of the energies but in form of yoga therapy. It also acts as a meditation method for calming the mind and body. The last stage of the therapy is the self-awareness where the patient is taught to speed up and help the healing process, relaxation and again, the balancing of the energies. The patient is fully clothed during the whole duration of the therapy which lasts 60 to 90 minutes per session.

The therapy is has many benefits and good effects that a client can expect to receive from after a session. Among the many benefits are the improvement of circulation, relief from chronic fatigue syndrome, treatment of asthma, allergies, sciatica, injury, arthritis, and many more.

Aside from all these benefits, polarity massage therapy can be used on pregnant women and is proven to be safe and effective in dealing with problems related to pregnancy. For expectant mothers, light touch is used to improve the condition and to soothe the body from stress, fatigue and tension. It also improves the condition of the baby by relaxing and calming it.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about hot stone massage techniques and hot stone massage products.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stone massage rocks

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