How to Play Bunker Shots

Every now and then all golfers are faced with working out how to play bunker shots as regrettably we all finish up in a bunker sooner or later. It\’s important not to let negative thoughts invade your mind, like thinking how difficult it will be to get out and how many shots it may add to your score. Instead concentrate on the task at hand.

Your first concern is to try and limit the damage as much as possible. The last thing you want is to be playing your next shot from exactly the same place.

Even though you may only be a short distance from the green try to be realistic. It isn\’t always feasible to aim for the flag. Make sure that you just concentrate on being able to get out and therefore hitting your next shot from the grass and not the sand.

You may not be able to take a direct line to the hole, so evaluate all the options open to you. It could perhaps be a better option to hit out the side or even backwards. Don\’t be stubborn and keep trying to hit directly at the flag.

When you are faced with an extremely difficult shot, like the ball plugged close to the face of the bunker, you are better off to take a drop rather than have numerous unsuccessful shots.

The first thing you need to decide is the direction you want to play the ball then you need to consider the technique required. The high splash shot is what is required from deep bunkers, using your sand wedge.

You will need to adjust your stance to the slope (if any) of the sand. Your shoulders should be positioned as close to parallel to the sand as you can.

At address stand open with the club face square, or slightly open, to your target. Shuffle your feet into the sand for a solid base and remember to keep your legs relaxed and flexed.

If the bunker lip in front of you is sizeible, swing high to hit high. Use the splash shot with confidence and accelerate into the sand. You require a lot of club head speed to avoid leaving the ball in the bunker. Use a steep backswing by breaking your wrists early then bring it down sharply on an out-to-in path into the sand. The club head will cut under the ball and the explosion of sand at impact sends the ball almost vertically up in the air.

Golf bunker shots are one of the most feared shots in golf but are hardly ever included in practice routines which doesn\’t help its reputation. To help build your confidence and dispel the fear, experiment with playing bunker shots from different slopes and lies in a variety of bunkers.

Many golf pros would prefer to be in a bunker than in the rough, particularly if the lie is good. Confidence in how to play bunker shots will filter through your whole game. You will be happy to swing freely on a hole littered with bunkers when you feel confident that you are able to cope with shots from the sand.

Author Bio: Don\’t let those bunkers intimidate you. Learn how to play bunker shots and also check out mental golf training tips.

Category: Sports
Keywords: how to play bunker shots, golf bunker tips, playing bunker shots, golf bunker shots

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