What is Affiliate Marketing and Why You Should Jump on the Bandwagon

Affiliate Marketing has been around for a long time. It has many names. Back in the day people would come to your door and try to sell you bibles, encyclopedias, knives, and vacuum cleaners. You might remember those days, or maybe you can ask your mom, dad or grandma if they do. Those sales people, my friends, were the first affiliate marketers. They sold those items for a commission. Not much has changed except the way we find people. With the World Wide Web we don\’t have to go door to door anymore. We have the Internet to do that for us. (Thank you Al Gore)
Affiliate marketing is selling other peoples products for a commission.

The great thing about affiliate marketing is this.
– You don\’t need a website.
– You don\’t need inventory.
– You don\’t need to talk to customers.
– You don\’t need to ship anything.
– You don\’t need to deal with returns.
– You don\’t need to deal with credit card processing.
– You don\’t need a fancy office and warehouse.
– You don\’t need a lot of money.

I personally feel it is the greatest way to make money today. Let me give you an example: Almost all big websites eBay, Amazon, Best Buy, Target, Home depot, ClickBank, just to name a few have what they call an affiliate program.

They might be called affiliate programs, referrer programs or associate programs, or even something called a publisher. Basically, they are all the same thing. You sign up with these companies to be an affiliate. They will provide you with a specific link or code that is specific to you and you only. Then, you refer people to your specific link through online promotion. If someone clicks the link that they have provided for you and they make a purchase you get a commission.

The commission can be as small as 4% all the way up to 75% on some digital products. I guess you can consider it the new age vacuum cleaner salesmen.It sounds awesome right! Yes, it is. There is one thing that you do need to be an affiliate marketer, you need to find someone who has done it, and train with them.

You could sign up to be an affiliate, and try to promote your special link. Or, you could follow someone who has already done it. Which would you rather do? Try to figure it out alone, or just follow someone with experience. Think of all the jobs you have had in your life. Did you get training? I don\’t care if you are a donut maker, a waitress, a mechanic or a doctor, you had to get training. Don\’t try to reinvent the wheel. Follow someone who has done it. The one thing you do need to succeed is training.

If you want to learn how to be an extraordinary affiliate marketer we have a 90 days to $90,000 program. We teach ordinary, regular people how to make an extraordinary income. After all, you wouldn\’t go out and sell vacuum cleaners door to door without knowing how the vacuum cleaner worked. Get the knowledge to succeed. Take Vicks 90 day Challenge. 90 days to $90,000. We hold your hand for 90 days until you succeed. I love Vicks vision….so I am going to pass it along. \”To empower entrepreneurs: and help average ordinary people become successful while enjoying life and having fun.\” Join us. FunAndNew.com.

Author Bio: Annette is a dog lover, friend, daughter, recovering middle school teacher and entrepreneur. She makes her living 100% online using Vicks 90 day system. To Your Success. FunAndNew.com

Category: Career
Keywords: affiliate marketing, legit work at home, make money online, work at home mom jobs, wahm

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