Practical Rabbit Hutch Selection Tips

Are you planning to buy rabbits as pets? If you are going to become a pet owner, you need to prepare for your rabbits’ homecoming. Where would you place your pet? Are you going to place them inside your house? Are you going to place them outside the yard? These questions are vital in keeping your rabbits safety and secured.

Taking care and looking after your rabbit is your responsibility as pet owner. Regardless of what type of rabbit you have either giant one, dwarf one or fluffy one, all of them require special care and attention to keep them healthy and safe all the time. Aside from giving them nutritious food, proper diet, good grooming, vaccinations and regular veterinary check-ups, it is your duty to keep them safe from all forms of hazards.

If you want them to live outdoors, you need to have a good location to build their hutch. Be sure the place offers enough protection from predators like dogs, cats, rats, opossums and foxes. Also ensure that it offers enough shade against the extreme heat of the sun, storm, rain and snow.

Rabbits should not be permitted to roam around inside the house because they may chew on your furniture pieces, electrical cords, baseboards and office supplies. They may also dig in your carpet.

If you decide to buy a cage or a hutch for your rabbit, you need to consider several factors to ensure they have the best enclosure to protect them.

Factors to consider in buying a hutch for your pet:

1. It should have adequate space for your pet to roam around, to jump, to play and to stand up with their hind limbs. Make sure that it has adequate and enough space to freely move around and can have at least three successive hops.

2. It should have a separate sleeping quarters filled with soft and absorbent bedding such as grass, hay, straw, shredded newspapers or unscented wood shavings. Be sure to buy a separate litter box, food bowl and water container for your pet. You can also buy a toy for them. Make sure to clean their hutch regularly to avoid accumulation of bacteria and microorganisms and to prevent foul odor and smell.

3. If you purchase a hutch for your pet, pick those made from quality and durable materials. It should be built from materials which are chew-proof and easy to clean. You can opt for a hutch with wire mesh sides to have good ventilation, to have adequate lighting and to have adequate protection from mosquitoes. It should be raised off the ground to protect from humidity and dampness. The roof should be made from solid materials and should be sloped to protect from wind, rain, extreme weather conditions and high temperature. Be sure to place them in a sheltered part of your garden because rabbits are vulnerable to extreme heat and they can develop heat stress in temperature above 28 degrees Centigrade.

4. Provide their hutch with hay rack, feeding bowl, water bowl and chew toys like tree branches, cardboard boxes and wooden parrot toys.

With the suggestions and tips mentioned above, you can find a suitable and durable hutch for your rabbit.

Author Bio: David Neil Warren enjoys writing for The Rabbit Hutch Shop which sells rabbit hutch and rabbit hutches as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Pets
Keywords: practical rabbit hutch,rabbit hutch,rabbit hutch selection,rabbit

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