Why Do I Need to Clean My Computer?

Cleaning your computer plays a big part in its performance and even its overall life in general. I, for example, clean my computer at least once every month. When I clean my computer, I clean it inside and out: both the hardware and the software. Cleaning the actual physical surfaces of the computer is very easy, it takes a simply quick wiping off of the dust, with the right tools the task get even easier. Cleaning the software is also an easy task but can be complicated if you don\’t fully understand what you are doing.

In general, when people say \”clean my computer\” they are usually referring to the computer registry. The computer register is a special kind of storage for your computer. Everything that your computer needs to do anything is stored in this memory in the form of keys. More specifically, the computer register is like a directory of locations where all the information in the computer is stored. Before the computer can process any information or basically do anything, it needs to go through the register and find the location for the information it needs.

Like storages in the real world, the dirt and unwanted elements tend to build up in the registry so it needs regular cleaning. Everytime you use the computer, more and more keys are stored in the registry. When you install programs, it also stores a lot of information in the registry. Moreover, when you uninstall programs, sometimes not all of the information that came from those programs gets cleared from the registry. These are the things that build up in the registry; these are what you clean up from the registry when you clean your computer.

When there is too much unnecessary information in the registry, when your registry is \”cramped\” it becomes harder for the computer to find what it needs to find. Remember that the computer has to go through the register every time it needs to do anything. When it is slow to find the information it needs, the effect is it is slow to process any command you input. Frequent errors and crashes are also often attributable to an unclean computer registry.

The computer registry is easily accessible to the users. When you go to you computer\’s registry you can easily see what things are in it and how much is in it. However, if you are not very well versed in assembly language programs or in computers, it is not a very good idea to manually remove the unwanted bits yourself. Missing and broken information can also lead to frequent errors and even computer crashes.

Thankfully, there is an abundance of registry cleaning software available out there. These registry cleaners do all the work for you. Some even let you choose which ones to delete but labels what are safe to delete and which ones are not safe to delete. Using a good registry cleaner software helps you get the job done quickly but also keeps you from possibly deleting vital information that might cause functioning problems.

Author Bio: Does registry software really make your computer run faster? 97% say it makes their computers run 10 times faster. Learn how and get your FREE Registry Cleaner download today at www.FixMyComputerQuick.com

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: computer registry,computer plays,unclean computer registry

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