Essential Things to Know in Self Defense

Gaining the ability to protect your own self all throughout your life will only be possible if you are determined enough upon reaching this goal. It needs a lot of perseverance and patience because learning self defense is very challenging yet an interesting activity. Aside from that, martial art is also considered to be one of the most popular sports worldwide. Actually, there are several tactics to be learned in this field and it is applicable to all age groups. It does not matter whether you are too young or too old as long as you have the time and willingness to learn.

This world becomes more dangerous each day especially when the crime scenes are getting obscure. We’ll never know what would happen next in our surroundings that’s why we have to be very ready at all times. Learning self defense can bring a lot of good effects to a person’s life. It is a good form of exercise. You will definitely keep your body fit and strong.

Practicing martial arts can improve power, agility, flexibility, stamina and a lot more. Aside from physical and health benefits, you could also gain mental and emotional benefits from it due to the peace of mind it requires in every technique that you learn. A martial artist must know his mind, body and spirit very well in order to let the energy flow smoothly from his body. It is very significant to remain calm and humble while releasing a particular amount of energy in every punch and kick you’ll make. Here are some of the most common things that you’ll encounter upon enrolling to a self defense training program.

1. Use proper timing in striking. You have to make sure that your strikes won’t be wasted. In self defense, there is a proper timing for every movement that you’re about to make. You have to use your energy wisely. Using your hands, knees, feet, elbows and palms are all possible in attacking your opponent. However, make sure that you’re in a favorable position. Think fast. Never attack without even making some plans in your mind as to how to beat the opponent.

2. Maintain a good balance. During a sparring, you will know how to keep your balance right. You can never throw a good kick or punch to your opponent when you don’t even know how to keep and maintain a good balance. It is very important in controlling the flow of energy all over your body. Balance does not only refer t physical aspects. It also includes the balance of your emotion and thinking. Remember that martial artist needs to focus during a duel. Therefore, peace of mind and balance emotions is highly needed.

3. There are instances that weapons may be necessary especially when you are outnumbered. Some countries are allowing their citizens to use pepper spray or stun guns just to attain personal protection. But then, you have to be familiar with the law. Some legality might be considered when it comes to defending oneself against assailants.

Author Bio: Cori N. Baker enjoys writing for which sells taser gun and stun gun for sale as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Sports
Keywords: self defense,learning self defense,self defense training,defense training

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