Athlete’s Foot Treatment – 5 Good Ways to Treat Athlete’s Foot

Athlete\’s foot is a common infection caused by the tinea fungus which targets the foot area. Tinea fungi grow best in damp, dark and warm places, which is why it often develops between your toes. This disease is not really considered very serious but it can turn from a simple infection into a severe condition.

Symptoms of minor athlete’s foot include itching, burning and cracked, scaly skin between your toes. People who has more serious athlete’s foot condition can have bumps on the feet, cracked, blistered, or peeling areas on the foot, redness and scaling on the soles of the feet, skin between the toes may look \”cheesy\” and have an unpleasant odor, a rash that spreads to the instep, visible raw skin from scratching and many more. The fungi can also spread to your toenails, as well, making them thick and crumbly.

Athlete’s foot may start to spread mainly because of poor hygiene. If you do not take proper care of your feet, then it will be prone to bacterial infection. Moreover, the fungi that cause athlete’s foot are contagious, so it can easily be transferred from one person to another.

Athlete’s foot treatment is fairly easy. If you are suffering from this foot disease, here are 5 good ways to treat athlete’s foot.

1. Antifungal powders
A simple powder is an excellent treatment for athlete\’s foot. The fungus that causes athlete\’s foot likes to live in moist places. A powder will help keep the foot dry and prevent athlete\’s foot from becoming a problem.

2. Foot creams
Over the counter creams work well to help in the treatment of athlete\’s foot. Usually these over the counter products, when used properly, are sufficient in athlete\’s foot treatment. Prescription treatments are usually not needed. Some of the most popular brand names include Lamisil and Lotrimin. Try these athlete\’s foot creams, but make sure you follow the instructions carefully.

3. Athletic sandals
If you shower at a gym, locker rooms, or any other facility used by multiple people, wear a pair of athletic sandals in the shower. Locker room floors are the home of athlete\’s foot. They love steamy shower stalls, carpeted changing area, and just about anywhere else in the gym. Wear a pair of athletic sandals in the gym locker room at all times.
Moreover, avoid wearing footwear that gives your feet distress. Tight, poor-fitting shoes can also cause athlete’s foot and other foot problems.

4. Athletic socks
This is the simplest treatment of athlete\’s foot, and the most important in the prevention of athlete\’s foot. Get lots of pairs of socks, and change them often. Wear fresh socks when you exercise, and change them immediately after exercise. Wash your socks after each use. You can also opt to buy those socks which have antifungal properties.

5. Proper feet hygiene
Proper hygiene is a must for treating and preventing athlete’s foot. Wash your feet at least twice a day with soap and water. Dry them thoroughly and do not forget the area between your toes. Do not walk barefoot even around your house to prevent those bacteria from sticking to your feet. Furthermore, you must also pay attention to your footwear. Remember to wash your shoes every now and then, to get rid of those dirt and bacteria that might have accumulated inside your precious shoes.

If you notice that your Athlete\’s foot is getting worse, you should consult a health care professional.

Author Bio: Danny loves writing about the foot condition Morton\’s Neuroma at his blog and other foot problems and can provide content for your blog. When not writing about foot problems, Danny loves to look for Morton\’s Neuroma shoes that provide relief without surgery.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: athlete\\\’s foot treatment, ways to treat athlete\\\’s foot, athlete\\\’s foot remedies

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