Why You Should Get a Master\’s Degree in Psychology

A degree in psychology is perfect for individuals who are interested in helping others. Of course, before considering obtaining a degree of any sort in this particular profession, you must have a passion for helping others during emotional times of need. Perhaps you\’re the friend everyone turns to when times are bad. People are always calling you and telling you about their problems, and if so, this is probably the perfect job for you. But remember at times, a job as a counselor or psychologist can be emotionally draining and physically exhaustive.

Unfortunately, it takes several years of college before you can enter into any of the more familiar areas of psychology such as counseling, psychiatry, etc. An individual with a simple associate\’s or bachelor\’s in psychology will only be able to take part in social work, which is a well-respected position, but may or may not provide enough adequate career opportunities.

With a master\’s in psychology, you can go on to become a counselor, marriage counselor, drug counselor, or a child counselor. You might also consider going on to become a parole officer, social service manager, human resource analyst, employment counselor, psychology program manager, vocational rehabilitation provider, self-reliance specialist, developmental specialist, rehabilitation counselor.

Another benefit that a master\’s in psychology provides is that it opens the door to go on to become a licensed clinical psychologist. Although a master\’s degree takes several years to obtain, as well as a lot of focus, determination, and dedication – as well as extremely good grades – it\’s definitely worth it to those individuals who have a deep passion for it. This passion includes doing things like helping others cope with their problems, give up bad habits, recover from traumatic experiences, and move on with life in general.

It is believed that a mere associate\’s in psychology is useless, and this is mostly correct. While an associate\’s degree in nursing or computers provides great opportunities, an associate\’s in psychology won\’t provide an individual with that much of an edge in terms of finding a high-paying, stable career. You\’ll need to go on to obtain your bachelor\’s and then your master\’s in order to seek out more respectable and stable career opportunities.

Now, before you decide that a master\’s degree in psychology is right for you, you\’ll need to undergo a small self-assessment. First, ask yourself if you truly enjoy doing it. Any job that requires a master\’s degree in psychology will require your full attention and the care for the overall welfare of other individuals. If you are more into a mechanically-based or hands-on career, this may not be the right degree for you to consider.

However, if you are truly passionate about helping others, as I have said a time or two above, and find that you feel at home when it comes to discussing how to solve emotional problems, provide advice for overcoming bad habits, and most importantly – listening, a master\’s in psychology is most likely what you need to become completely fulfilled.

Last but not least, with a graduate degree comes tons of job security. Jobs that require a master\’s in psychology are expected to grow at an average rate through the year 2018, meaning that if you want it, you should definitely go for it.

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Author Bio: Copywrite Kenneth Echie. Kenneth is a Writer, Expert Author, and Publisher. He currently writes for Masters Degree Guide. Get free scholarship report and find Masters Degree Psychology Schools by visiting.

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Category: Education
Keywords: master\\\’s degree psychology,ms psychology schools,graduate degree psychology,ms psychology training

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