What is Structural Muscular Balancing?

Structural muscular balancing or SMB is a combination of many various massage types and techniques developed to provide relief from many conditions such as body pain, stress, break up of adhesions, and the loosening of tight, rigid muscles. It is also effective in improving the poor posture, flexibility and mobility of the moving body parts as well as the correction of the skeletal system. Athletes are the common patients who are in need of this amazing treatment due to the nature of their strenuous daily routine. It can also be used and beneficial for seniors who are suffering from minor to serious structural imbalances due to old age which results to having a frail body structure. The therapy is more of therapeutic than preventive although it can be used for both purposes.

The principle in structural muscular balancing is that if the musculoskeletal system is in balance, it reflects a healthy condition. However, any imbalance in the system can cause inevitable problems such as pain on the affected area. Any weak part of the musculoskeletal system will cause a drag to the other parts of the body which in return results to the straining in that area. Imbalances either muscular or skeletal can contribute to all sorts of body pain including acute and chronic pains. Balancing the system is the primary goal of the massage therapy aside from its benefits and effects.

During a structural muscular balancing therapy session, the therapist conducts various techniques such as:
-Muscle Testing – this is done in order for the therapist to evaluate the condition of the muscles for him or her to have a clear reference on what techniques and the level of treatment is required for the therapy. The therapist also uses this assessment to spot abnormalities, sores, inflammations and other conditions on the skin of the patient.

– Direct Massage – this technique is essential for the conditioning of the body and for the purpose of relaxing the muscles and nerves in preparation for the deep therapeutic massage techniques. It can be a relaxing experience although it also includes slight amount of pain due to the fact that the injuries are treated during this process. Structural balancing is also achieved during this process.

– Passive Positioning – this technique is used to position the body in order to ease the pain while the injuries or physical disorders are being treated by the therapist. Without this technique, the therapy can become quite painful especially when injuries in the skeletal system are being corrected.

– Deep Pressure – injuries are often on the deep tissues of the body which is why this massage technique is important in a deep therapeutic massage. Although it accompanies pain, after a while the patient will be relieved from the pain. Follow up sessions will help in completely removing the pain and other conditions of the body.

Massage therapist aims in providing good mobility to the muscular and skeletal system by bringing back the balance in the body through balancing of energy, enhanced neuromuscular communication, release of tension and stress, and the moving of the body away from pain itself.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about hot stone massage techniques and hot stone massage products.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stone massage rocks

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