What is Rolfing?

Rolfing is the form of bodywork where almost all of the deep tissue therapeutic massage types were developed from. The therapy is used for the treatment and releasing of tension on the deep layers of the muscle tissue including the release of facial restrictions on the patient’s body. The technique also allows the body to relax and calm down due to the benefits and wonderful effect it brings with every session.

This alternative medical care has been used for many centuries in addressing various conditions of the body aside from body pain. The technique is used to manually separate the fibers of the connective tissue to release tension and loosen them up to enhance the mobility and flexibility. The therapy is mostly used on athletes and active individuals who are prone to injuries, muscle stiffness, muscle fatigue, and many more conditions relating to the connective tissues and muscle tissues of the body.

Rolfing was developed by Ida Pauline Rolf in 1950 and was first known as Postural Release due to her belief that the body was in constant struggle against the earth’s gravity. Rolf regarded gravity as the main factor that affects the misalignment of the body and that it was responsible for pain and the struggle for mobility and flexibility. During her research at the Rockefeller Institute where she studying in organic chemistry, she had a hard time voicing out her ideas due to the low respect for the women at that time.

Rolf’s perseverance and brilliance in the field of various massage therapies such as chiropractics, homeopathy, yoga, and osteopathy paved the way for the development of rolfing which is used as a technique in massage therapy.

During a massage therapy session that involves the use of rolfing technique, the massage therapist performs:

– Palpation – it is known as the patient’s evaluation process where the massage therapist looks for abnormalities within the patient’s physical body. Conditions and dysfunctions in tissue all over the body are checked and assessed prior to a massage therapy session. This allows the therapist to have a good performance and precise treatment due to the knowledge regarding the problems of the client.

– Discriminate – this is the process of manually separating the stiff muscles from the fibers of the connective tissues in order to relax and relieve pain in the affected muscle areas. The massage therapist should be highly trained in able to use deep therapeutic techniques and properly perform this stage of the massage therapy.

– Integrate – it is the part where the body is placed in a balance to promote health, treat pain and dysfunction due to the gravity.

Rolfing is probably one of the oldest elements used on most types of therapeutic massage practiced all over the world. It is slightly painful as it addresses the problems of the deep tissue; however the temporary pain will be replaced by a calm feeling with an improvement in the mobility and flexibility of the muscle, joint and ligament. Rolfing can also improve the overall health and immune system of the patient.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about hot stone massage techniques and hot stone massage products.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stone massage rocks

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