Garage Door Safety Tips

A garage door opener is one of those devices of convenience that most homeowners take for granted. Even if it is used several times each day, many homeowners do not think twice about the system which opens that door for them. But if they did, many homeowners might have more respect for a system which allows them to open and close such a large, heavy door with the simple click of a button. Unfortunately, most people go about their days not really thinking about the door until they require a garage door replacement or until an accident happens involving the door.

The garage door just may be the largest automated device normally found in the average modern home. A garage door opener can lift heavy weights of up to 200 pounds which means that understanding a few safety tips are in order. If such a mechanical device is not properly installed or maintained, the results could be devastating. This device to which most people do not give much thought happens to be one of the leading causes of household accidents.

The last thing you want is for your garage door to become a safety hazard. As long as the thing is installed correctly and maintained properly throughout its lifetime, the door’s standard safety features should be enough to protect you and your family from potential accidents. If there is an issue with the door, make sure it is corrected by a trained professional. And if you are not sure who installed the door or how long ago installation occurred, it is not a bad idea to call in a repair shop and have the door checked out for safety reasons.

Garage doors purchased after 1993 should come equipped with the safety eye. A door purchased prior to 1993 may still have the feature but a safety eye was not standard until recent years. These eyes are found in pairs at the bottom of the track, where they transmit infrared light beams to each other, across the length of the garage door. That is to say, one eye on the left side of the door transmits a beam of light to an eye located directly across from it on the right side of the door. When the beams are disturbed by any sort of movement, the garage door will stop moving. Safety eyes operate to ensure that no one or nothing is crushed by the closing door.

To be an effective safety tool, these infrared eyes must be working properly at all times. The eyes must be positioned close to the floor to ensure that small children are noticed and the door is stopped in time. The lowest pair of eyes should be placed no higher than six inches from the floor, on either side of the door. Any higher than that and there is a risk that the beams would not catch the movement of a beloved pet or a curious little neighbor. Garage door accidents may come in unexpected forms as well, the random raccoon or squirrel may find itself crushed under the door if they eyes are not placed low enough.

Author Bio: Ellie Lewis recently needed the services of a Cincinnati garage door replacement company to fix her door after a bad storm caused quite a bit of damage. She searched the term Cincinnati garage door opener to find a replacement opener.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: Cincinnati garage door replacement,Cincinnati garage door opener

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