Easy to Do and Simply Delicious Cinnamon Cookies

There’s something about cinnamon cookies that makes people very nostalgic and somewhat get into a celebratory mood. It may be because these cookies are associated with childhood memories and the holiday season, when anything with cinnamon is usually a hit. The feeling of a cozy evening with loved ones, eating these sweet treats is always a special memory for most of us. Especially in these days of hectic lifestyles, it is always heartwarming to remember anything that would be associated with simpler times and fond memories.

As for the cook or dessert maker’s point of view, cookies with cinnamon are great as well because they are very easy to do. Anyone who wants to make something easy and at the same time something that will surely be a hit with anyone who has a sweet tooth should try making these cookies. Anyone who is in their initial foray into making desserts will also appreciate the low level of difficulty this dessert has, and there are really no complicated procedures and hard-to-find ingredients for this. Thus, it will be a relative walk in the park for anyone making a dessert, be they novices or experts.

In order to make a batch of cinnamon cookies, the ingredients are as follows: one and a quarter cups of all-purpose flour, one-third teaspoon of baking powder, one and a half teaspoons of cinnamon, an egg, a cup of granulated sugar, a tablespoon of heavy cream, a quarter teaspoon of salt, a stick or one-fourth pound of unsalted butter, and one and a half teaspoons of vanilla extract. For the tools, you will need cooling racks, cookie sheets, hand mixers, measuring cups, measuring spoons and mixing bowls.

The first thing that needs to be done would be to mix half of the cinnamon (meaning

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