Get Workout Results Like Jason Statham

A lot of guys want to know what Jason Statham did to get the result he achieved. The most important thing to keep in mind is that his workout and diet plan was made especially for him, so that was why it worked so well. Well, that combined with the fact that he was consistent and remained dedicated to his plan. The secret to being as successful as he was is finding what is going to work best for you rather than going against the grain and doing something that won’t be appropriate for you just because someone else did it.

A lot of it is going to have to do with your particular lifestyle. Take into consideration how much time you will have to dedicate to working out, and seriously be realistic. It isn’t going to do you any good to start out all gung ho on a plan that will be impossible for you to stick with. Don’t set yourself up for failure.

On that same token, don’t decide on a workout plan that you already know you are going to absolutely hate doing. Why would you do that to yourself? Besides, if it is something you at least halfway enjoy you will be more likely to stick with it.

With all that being said, if you have a busy lifestyle like most of us do, you may want to go with what Jason Statham did, which is a full body workout. There are a lot of benefits to working out this way, including the fact that you only work out 2-3 times a week for less than an hour at a time. Sounds perfect, right?

You only work out for less than an hour because you have to avoid excessive amounts of cortisol running through your body, which will inevitably happen if you go above this timeframe. Once this occurs, your muscles will actually be more likely to shrink than grow, which is a nightmare for anyone trying to build muscle. So, due to the fact that you are trying to work out every muscle group within this one hour, you cannot dally. Keep your rest time quick between sets. Start with a 60 second rest period between sets, then gradually work your way to only a 30 second rest period. You will have to stay focused on the task at hand if you want to finish your workout in time.

Also, you are only going to be working out a few times per week because you have worked out all of your muscles in each session and you’ve got to let them have a sufficient rest period between workouts. If you choose not to do this, you will be keeping your muscles from reaching their full growth potential. Your muscles grow during recovery, so don’t cut it short. Besides, you can take weekends off this way! Jason Statham was able to get a great body working out with a full body set, and you probably could too, just make sure you stay dedicated like he did!

Author Bio: Yes! There is a big possibility you’re going to love Jason Statham way of getting lean and cut. Getting a Full Body Workout Routine is something the majority of us, no matter the age, should do on a weekly basis!

Category: Sports
Keywords: Jason Statham Workout , Full Body Workout Routine

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