Simple Meditation Techniques For Natural Hemorrhoid Relief
Stress is a well recognized predisposing factor to the development of hemorrhoids. To get rid of and stay free of hemorrhoid symptoms you have to reduce your stress levels and one of the best ways to reduce your stress levels is by meditation.
Meditation requires that you stop to take some quiet time out to nurture your body, when you become relaxed with the aid of meditation you will experience relief from the pain and discomforting symptoms of piles.
You can make use of the following meditation techniques to relieve hemorrhoid pain and symptoms at home:
Meditation technique- Guided Imagery
You can use the power of imagination to relax your body.
– Turn off the lights in your room and lie down comfortably on your bed.
– Play a relaxation CD with recorded ocean water sounds to aid meditation.
– Close your eyes and create a mental picture of your body lying calmly on the shore besides the ocean in the “eye” of your mind.
– Imagine the waves of water lapping up on your body and imagine the feel and the fresh smell of the ocean besides you.
– Imagine the lower half of your body sinking into the fresh ocean water cleaning and refreshing your body.
With the eye of your mind see the ocean water sinking into your hemorrhoid and washing away all the pain and discomfort in your bum. Spend quality time “seeing” this cleansing take place over and over again.
– After some time you will feel reinvigorated and refreshed. Visualize in your mind that after the cleansing you now drag your body out of the ocean water to lie calmly besides the ocean for some time.
– Open your eyes after completing this routine.
2 – Bath meditation technique
This method combines the use of meditation and sitz bath technique, it is very useful for painful hemorrhoid relief.
– Fill your bath tub with warm tepid water, the water must be at least 3-4 inches high, you can add Epsom salt to the water but do not add soap.
– Sit down or lie down partially in the water.
– Shut your eyes and consciously slow down your breathing rate. Consciously lowering your breathing rate lowers your blood pressure and makes your body to calm down.
– Take in deep breaths and in your mind and create a mental picture of water soaking into and soothing your hemorrhoids.
– Exhale deeply and “see” in your mind how the water is washing away the pain and irritation in your butt.
– Repeat this technique over and over again with your eyes shut till you experience hemorrhoid pain relief or till the water becomes cold.
– Open your eyes after the completion of the technique.
3 – The stone meditation technique
The use of this technique is particularly suitable for home treatment of external hemorrhoids. This technique combines the soothing effect of the contact of external piles with a smooth clear stone and relaxation meditation to relieve painful hemorrhoids.
– Lie or sit in a position that will not only allow for easy contact with the visible external piles, but will also be very comfortable for meditation.
– Shut your eyes and start breathing deeply. Take deep breaths on inspiration and exhale fully, when exhaling, form a mental picture of the exhaled breath coming up from the very bottom of your spine to eventually pass out through your mouth.
Breathe in and out deeply at least three times.
– Place the stone that has been sterilized gently on the external hemorrhoid tissue without applying too much pressure.
– “See” all the pain and discomfort in the hemorrhoid pass into the stone through the eyes of your mind.
– Continue breathing heavily till you visualize all the discomfort to pass out into the stone. After the completion of this procedure, remove the stone and lay calmly for some time. You can use any smooth stone you can lay your hands on, just make sure that you wash the stone with either soap or anti bacterial cleanser before and after use.
You must note however that meditation techniques can only relieve your pain for a while, they can not really cure your hemorrhoids.
So how do you get rid of hemorrhoids pain permanently?
Author Bio: You should go to to learn how you can use a multi-approach hemorrhoid natural cure guide to get rid of hemorrhoid symptoms permanently. In conclusion click here to read a free report on how to relieve hemorrhoid pain naturally.
Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: home remedies for hemorrhoid pain, natural hemorrhoid relief, natural treatments for hemorrhoids, he