Deafness and Hearing Loss

Ear is a one of special gift from God. We can hear many favorites song from our favorite’s singer. We can communicate with other people easily. We can hear sound of bird in the morning. And many other things that can we hear because our ear. So, we need to thanks to God for His gift. But, there’s a time when our ear cannot function normally. Example: we cannot hear any voice from our iPod. Or maybe just a little voice that can we hear from our television. We have two options here. First choice is your iPod or television is broke. The second one is there is something wrong with your ear.

For your information, more than 28 million people in the United States have problem with their auditory system. They are deaf or have hearing loss. The most affected is older people. Survey has shown 30 to 40% of people aged 65 and older have significant hearing loss. Children also can get develop hearing loss. Usually deafness can happen in only one ear or both of ears. In fact, about 1 of 5.000 people develops sudden deafness every year. This is a considerable amount. And this number is increasing every year.

Some people with hearing loss also develop ringing in the ears. This called tinnitus. Usually they will hear ringing sound first in their ear before they full recognize their hearing loss. There are many causes that can make hearing loss. Usually it is caused by exposure to noise. Hearing the loud noise in long time repeatedly can permanently harm hearing. Technology in this era also has big effect for this problem. The simply example is listening to loud music through headphones, even as industrial exposure to loud noise has been reduced. For the children, head trauma also can lead to hearing loss.

People that have hearing loss means there is a mechanical problem in the external ear canal or middle ear that blocks the conduction of sound. There are some reasons why your external ear canal can be clogged. It can be an accumulation of wax or something as uncommon as a tumor. But usually, the common cause of conductive hearing loss in the middle ear is an accumulation of fluid. It usually happens in children. Result of ear infections or conditions, such as allergies or tumors, that block the Eustachian tube, which drains the middle ear, can be the cause of fluid.

The other caused that can make hearing loss also can be result of damage to the sensory structures (hair cells) of the inner ear, auditory nerve, or auditory nerve pathways in the brain. Consumption of drugs, infections, tumors and skull injuries can damage these sensory structures. Hearing loss can be a mixture of conductive and sensorineural loss. There are some causes of conductive hearing loss. They are chloesteatoma, chronic middle ear fluid, middle ear infection, obstruction of external ear canal, otosclerosis, and perforated eardrum. People that have problem with their auditory system still can communicate with other people. They use sign language. The most widely used in the United States is American Sign Language (ASL).

Author Bio: Article submitted by James Han. He is interest about tinnitus, therefore, he introduced a treatment focuses on learning how to cure tinnitus without audio therapy,risky surgery and taking any drugs. If you want to know and learn this treatment you can Visit Tinnitusmiracle5

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: tinnitus,ears hearing,ringing ear,conductive hearing loss,hearing loss,cure tinnitus,tinnitus in ear

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