Reasons Why It’s Better To Do A Full Body Workout Routine

It’s sort of a debate among bodybuilding enthusiasts as to whether it is best to do a full body workout routine or a split workout. In general, they both have certain positive aspects, but it comes down to a matter of what your goals are. The truth of the matter is that most people would actually be quite better off doing a full body session than if they were to split it up, and there are several reasons why.

Although it may seem like working out your entire body every session would require you to spend a lot more time in the gym, this is definitely not the case. In all actuality you end up spending less time working out, which is ideal for those who have busy schedules and have a hard time fitting in their workouts. Full body sessions should only be done 2-3 times per week. This is because once you have done this type of workout you will have worked every major muscle group. You will then need to take rest days in between your workouts to allow your muscles to recover.

When you exercise your muscles you are breaking them down on a cellular level. Then once they go through the recovery process they end up coming back stronger. If you do not allow enough time for this recovery process to be completed, your muscles will not be able to grow to their fullest potential.
Additionally, your full body workout routine should be completed in less than an hour. This is because once you have been working out for more than an hour your muscles are no longer in a state that is conducive to muscle building. So basically by working out too long you could end up getting the opposite effect of what you are looking for.

Plus, when you do this kind of a workout you are increasing your metabolism. This isn’t just when you are working out though. You will also have a higher metabolism when you are just resting. The reason why these workouts work so well to increase your resting metabolic rate is because you are working out in short but intense bursts.

Haven’t you ever seen those guys that have really huge arms and then the rest of their body is just normal? That is what happens to most people when they do split workout routines. If you work all of your muscles groups at the same time they will all grow at the same rate. This way you will look proportional.

Split routines do have their place; it is just that most people are not going to get to their maximum potential this way. Besides, why wouldn’t you want to go for the option that allows you to spend less time working out? Of course, you still have to make sure that you follow a sensible diet along with your regular full body workout routine or else any time you spend working out may just be for nothing.

Author Bio: Yes! There is a big possibility you’re going to love Jason Statham way of getting lean and cut. Getting a Full Body Workout Routine is something the majority of us, no matter the age, should do on a weekly basis!

Category: Sports
Keywords: Full Body Workout Routine, Jason Statham

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