Fight TMJ Syndrome With Natural Pain Remedies Like Sam-E

It is estimated that about 10 million Americans suffer from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome. TMJ syndrome is a condition in which the temporomandibular joint does not function properly. This joint connects the temporal bone with the mandible. This painful problem produces pain in the muscles and joint of the jaw, sometimes radiating to the face, neck, and shoulder. A person with TMJ syndrome may also have difficulty opening the mouth all the way, and clicking, grinding, and popping noises may occur during chewing and movement of the joint. Other possible symptoms of TMJ syndrome include headaches, muscle spasms, toothaches, dizziness, feelings of pain and pressure behind the eyes, pain and ringing in the ears, and difficulty opening and closing the jaw normally.

The jaw joint is located within an intricate web of nerves and muscles. The force of chewing and clenching or gritting the teeth causes enormous tension and pressure to form in the region of the face. The cartilage disk that cushions the temporomandibular joint may also become displaced or wears out, causing the bones to rub against one another instead of gliding smoothly over one another. In some cases, smooth operation of the joint can be prevented by a misalignment of the jaw and teeth.

The most common causes of TMJ syndrome are stress and a poor bite, paired with clenching and grinding of the teeth at night. TMJ syndrome can also be caused by bad posture, habits like clenching the telephone between the shoulder and jaw, repeated or hard blows to the jaw or chin, or whiplash. The problem may be aggravated by poor dental work and orthodontia. Additionally, habits such as gum chewing, thumb sucking, and chewing only on one side of the mouth can aggravate the problem. TMJ syndrome is also commonly caused by hypoglycemia, as people tend to clench and grind their teeth more when their blood sugar is low.

In order to diagnose TMJ syndrome, a physician may use x-rays and a technique referred to as arthrography, which is a procedure in which an opaque dye is injected into the joint and then viewed with fluoroscopy. With a correct diet and the proper supplements, possibly along with other treatments, the problem of TMJ syndrome can be solved. The above are also helpful for bruxism. In order to test yourself for TMJ, place your fingers in your ears so that hearing is obstructed. Then, slowly and steadily open and close your jaw. If you hear a clicking, popping, and/or grinding noise at any point, the jaw joints may be out of alignment and examination by a professional who is experienced in diagnosing and treating TMJ syndrome is advisable.

The following nutrients are considered to be essential in dealing with TMJ syndrome: calcium, magnesium, chondroitin sulfate, MSM, SAMe, vitamin B complex, coenzyme Q10, L-tyrosine, a multivitamin and mineral complex, and vitamin C with bioflavonoids. The following herbs are also very helpful in treating TMJ syndrome: blue violet, catnip, chamomile, hops, kava kava, lobelia, St. John’s wort, skullcap, thyme, passionflower, red raspberry, valerian root, wild lettuce, boswellia, feverfew, ginger, nettle leaf, turmeric, and willow bark.

Natural remedies can give relief without side effects, try them as well as consult your doctor because pain is not natural and should be looked after.

Author Bio: Look for natural pain remedies like Sam-E at VitaNet ®, LLC Vitamin Store.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Sam-e,Pain Remedies, Turmeric, Willow Bark, TMJ Syndrom

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