Check Your Tires Air Pressures For Summer Driving

Our cars and trucks ride on our tires. Yet for the most part unless we hear thump, thump, thump or the orange low tire pressure light comes on our dash (if the motorist or auto owner knows what the warning symbol represents); few give short shift to rubber on their four wheels.

Yet one of the most important and major components on our vehicles that drivers have a direct influence on – are our tires and their direct contact with pavement. It is they that give us short, safe stopping ability and vehicular driving stability. On top of that maintaining proper tire air pressures as well as routine care yields great benefits in terms of fuel economies and miles per gallon / fuel tank fillings that you would think would be more than worth most car, truck and SUV vehicle\’s owners.

While it is true that newer vehicles have sophisticated tire pressure monitoring systems – if pressures are just a tad low, but enough to affect tire wear and fuel economies the system may not catch it. Or perhaps the driver or auto owner with an inadvertent flick of his hand accidentally reset the value at too low a level. You might think that visual inspections would catch the event yet unless the tire is dead flat usually not. Tires that are, for driving purposes dangerously low often appear nearly the same as properly filled tyres. Auto service and maintenance experts state, with authority, that the only real way to check and verify is with tire pressure gauges.

Tire pressure gauges are definitely a good investment. Its cash saved in terms of driving safety, extending tire lifetimes and fuel savings overall. Yet there are gauges and ones that are poor value. Good mechanical, with a sliding scale, can be had for about $ 10 at auto specialty, tire outlets and big box auto or full product stores. While very inexpensive units can be had at \”dollar stores\”, you best stay away from these. While it is true that \”something is better than nothing\”, often these are of dubious accuracy and composition. You would be better off borrowing the gauge at your local gas station or at the worst slipping the attendant some coin to check the tire pressures.

However even if have or purchase a quality mechanical tire pressure gauge be aware that with time these wear out, plugged with dirt of oil and gummy materials and become erratic in accuracy or hard to read due to gummy films over the notches. If this occurs replace the tool.

A newer option, that is gaining favor for its ease of use and accuracy of measurement are electronic tire air pressure gauges. You will find these at the same places for sale as older mechanical gauges. They have advantages in ease of use, digital readouts and consistency of calibration. Yet they often have a sequence for setup and use. If you are lucky enough to be the owner of such a handy device – make sure to retain the owner\’s instruction manual, keep it handy with the device and ensure that the battery has sufficient charge.

One note – in the dead of a cold Canadian winter, when your tire may be low due to air leakages from aluminum rims, you may find that in the frigid winter cold temperatures – that the chemical battery in the electronic device does not power up the unit and you are out of luck.

Just like your car\’s battery – this battery when cold has limited power output. Warming up the unit – either inside or in the palm of your hands may just give you enough juice to get a reading or readings.

Lastly even with an accurate air pressure gauge you must follow a standard procedure for checking levels. Otherwise your measurement will not be consistent and relevant. Do the check only when tires are cold. Generally this means that the vehicle has not been driven or has sat for approx 3 hours un-driven. Also note if the car or truck has been sitting out in hot hot sun for a period. This will artificially increase measurements over what they actually are.

What should your proper levels be? It can depend to some degree and vary depending on your loads and what you are carrying. Check your driver\’s door jamb for a factory sticker listing recommended tire air pressures. There are standard recommendations (cold temperature levels) and those for carrying loads and trailers. If the vehicle has been in a collision and repaired at an auto body shop that label may be missing. In this case consult the model\’s owners manual in your glove box, online or your dealer\’s experienced service tech writer.

Most auto owners give little thought to their tires. That is until they have an expensive tire replacement. Yet now days with modern cars and trucks it is generally recommended that tires be replaced not singly but in pairs or sets.
On top of that you will have installation, balancing and even local government authority tire \”recycling fees\” added to your auto service repair bills.

Hence it makes sense both from an auto owner\’s vehicle running costs budget as well as safety and fuel economy concerns to pay close and regular ongoing attention to your tire\’s air pressures.

Author Bio: William Z. Piker Highest volume Alberta Chrysler Dealership Edmonton Fiat 500 Dealer Sherwood Park Fort McMurray Camrose Alberta Truck Dealers

Category: Automotive
Keywords: summer low tire pressure,summer vacation tire pressure,summer auto care, towing trailer summer tire

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