Free Music Promotion For Independent Musicians

Every independent musician wants to know about the various ways to get free music promotion. Chances are, if you are just starting out you do not have a huge budget, so you have to cut costs any way you can. The good news is that the free methods of promoting your music are some of the best methods anyway!

The internet has totally exploded, and in the process the ways that music gets promoted have drastically changed. You now have access to a huge audience of people online, and you don’t necessarily have to have a website to reach them. Nearly everyone has a Facebook account, and Twitter is starting to catch up with them as well. You have the ability to reach a large group of people all at once when you use social media websites as methods of free music promotion. You can give frequent updates regarding your live shows and appearances and you can easily expand your existing fan base beyond your expectations.

The first way that you will see an increase in your fan base is through people seeing you on the lists of their friends. This will cause them to become curious, because people have a tendency to like the same music that their friends do. This is how a lot of new people end up viewing your page, and you would be surprised how quickly your name will spread.

Once your existing fan base is getting regular updates regarding your shows, they will be more likely to attend. Most times people bring friends too, and this is just another way that more people find out about you. You can also upload videos of live performances so that people can get a glimpse of not only your music but also what it would be like at one of your shows. This way those who have not been to any of your performances yet may be tempted to come.

People also share YouTube videos on Facebook all the time. You would definitely benefit from having some videos uploaded on YouTube, because not only would your fans be able to share them with people via Facebook, but then you would also be gaining the exposure to the huge audience that YouTube has to offer. Just make sure that you only upload videos that are of decent quality, otherwise people will not be likely to share them or even watch them at all.

However, if you do upload quality videos and people like them, they will share them with their friends and more people will become familiar with your music. When a video starts to get a lot of views on YouTube it starts getting a lot of attention from people who may not have otherwise heard about your music any other way. Before you know it you will be filling up venues every weekend! You can start using these ideas for free music promotion right away, and soon you will have more fans than you ever expected!

Author Bio: Next, get the best free music promotion right now while they last!

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: free music promotion

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